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Moda para abuelas

One of these days you wake up the consumer decided to approach the commercial center (no mall) to see if he saw something in the tail of the sales and take a look at the "new season", putting clothes in August is the one I like the whole year. Como siempre es más divertido ir acompañado le dije a mi abuela que me acompañara, and although it will not buy anything we would have given “a paseico. At a reasonable hour, after taking it off the sofa "which cupcake” and from the bus ride we got to the center, donde en un par de calles se concretan el grueso de las tiendas que puedo permitirme.

Look man section. Nothing new under the sun and the feeling of feeling poor even in Zara, the little discount had everything. Al irnos planteé que pasáramos por la zona de mujer a echar un vistazo“Grandma, you have to get modern”, argued. I dropped my heart sank to see that there was absolutely nothing in the entire store that would fit with the wishes / demands of my companion. Ni tallas, ni cortes, ni screens, ni formas, or styles. While a lot of girls (in Andalusia the denomination of “girl” encompasses any woman from 3 until the 45 años”) running back and forth with hands and heels skirts very cool. My grandmother looked to be contemplating face of Barbie's wardrobe. Although he had sensed her little illusion, trying to break the ice…

¿How are you? ¿Ves algo?
“Sí, sí, there are a lot of things… This must be great for your mother and this for your cousin”.
Pero algo para tí
– No, I get the feeling that there. There are some very nice clothes but I do not go much…
Ahí quedo patente que las opciones de Zara para gente más madura quedan reducidas a regalos para familiares más jóvenes, ni siquiera en complementos como bolsos o foulares. In reality I had the bug I, not having noticed before that the kind of audience looking for the flagship of Inditex He is going the other way.
1279899005928Vámonos” – said. Now he knew exactly where to take. Not going to leave her with the bad taste. Although she did not say "mu” I know she's still flirty. A smiling Normal Duval gave me the solution. Punto Roma fue nuestro oasis de pantalones pitillos, provocative shirts and high heels. "Here and surely I find something". as we said.
Then it was I who no estaba del todo satisfecho con la propuesta creativa y de diseño de la tienda. Soy consciente de la enorme diferencia generacional, estética y de gustos, pero the design of many of those items left much to be desired. No creáis que sólo yo me di cuenta, she argued "a lo mejor no es tan bonita como la de antes, pero seguro que sienta bien y es ropa más buena”.
Trajes de chaqueta de colores prudentes (and the occasional round pot), camisetas con estampados y brillos imposibles, jerseys y rebecas todo ello con un aura de comodidad y buenos materiales que nos hizo sospechar que el precio también sería mayor que el de la gran firma patria. Cortes adaptados a barriguillas que no siempre son danone, to occasional holsters holster as good life, a laughing waists of wasps and very much in line heights to the media. I thought it was a great concept but with too much "aftertaste"” to old.
The textile needs of older women are currently covered by "neighborhood" stores” whose developments in fashion are always far behind those established in the FMCG. I want to make it clear that I do not want our grandmothers to be dressed like Physics or Chemistry girls… but a bit of "vidilla"” in his style I am sure it would increase his desire to consume fashion products, además de reafirmar su auto-concepto de belleza, o ¿You don't see them more lively when they have to get ready for a wedding or formal event? Cada persona es un mundo, but look handsome think satisfaction is a constant global and intergenerational.
A nivel de mercado también es un punto a tener en cuenta. En el postgrado, uno de los profesoresreconocido coolhunter- nos comentó que unot of the “Emerging buyers” most important was that of the people “mayor”, que “tiene dinero y quiere gastarlo pero que necesita productos que respondan a sus necesidades”. It goes without saying that some other "grandmother” get spectacular looks for their daring in the mix of prints, tissues or forms and comfort make its spearhead, which sometimes surprises me and says "¡Be!” In fact, there are many twenties heart. Although progress continues, as in the case of point Rome, which no doubt many ladies thank, would certainly not bad moderate style modernization oriented garments grandmothers.
I am sure that the “review” from The Golden Girls, que se trata de la nueva propuesta televisiva de TVE para el próximo invierno va a ser un revulsivo estético a este nivel. Las estupendas Carmen Maura, Lola Herrera, Concha Velasco and Alicia Hermida espero sean las bearers of a generation of women who want to continue seeing beautiful and fashionable. Por lo pronto, the promotional images of the series and give me a joy!

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