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Column of Yellow Glasses in Now Granada

Column "Diario de una Estrella Local" by Gafas Amarillas in the digital media Now Granada Am I not the Carrie Bradshaw of Graná? as good ✨ estrella local ✨ You do not know the illusion that makes me collaborate with the digital newspaper Ahora Granada having my own opinion column, reflections, ideas or crazy… Here I collect what I have written:

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Moda Masculina

Ochenteros the BX Jeans Jeans

The Spanish firm makes a nod to the popular era in the design of his pants. Jeans return to 80 BX hand Jeans. Los 80 are trendy. We see daily examples of this nostalgic reminiscence of a golden age from the creative point of view. En los 80 there were some of the most famous and grossing films of science fiction and fantasy,…

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wardrobe change

5 saving tips on changing cabinet

The change of wardrobe of each season can come in luxury to give a new life to our clothes, and by the way, save money. With this weird time we're having, although spring has formally arrived, time is still giving some surprise. Although it is true that we have already started to move the clothes to take out the summer clothes and forget about the winter ones.. That…

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Moda, Opinión

15 pequeños placeres de la moda

El día a día es mucho mejor si disfrutamos de los pequeños placeres que nos rodean. El placer esta de moda. ¿Preparad@? A lo largo de nuestro día a día, la moda nos ofrece pequeños placeres a alcance de todo el mundo. Como la búsqueda del placer es algo que el ser humano debería consentir como normal y habitual; así como luchas por ella, I wanted to list here a series…

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Estilo Diario

Estilo diario: Motero amarillo

Si conjugamos el movimiento y la moda, se puede conseguir una sensación de libertad total. Ya dije una vez que el verde no me apasionaba si no era “en la naturaleza”, pero ahora también me he enganchado a algo verde ¡Mi moto! I had a terrible fear of motorcycles until I discovered freedom, rapidez y tranquilidad que dan. Una compañera en lo mejor y lo peor. Y ahora,…

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Sport ECO. Change the gym for the field (or the park)

Why instead of shutting ourselves in 4 walls we don't use nature to get in tune? It is well known that January is the month par excellence of good wishes and the desire to improve... it is time to start the diet, start saving, organize yourself better and play sports! A good account of this can be given by gyms that take advantage of our motivation and kilos of…

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Experiencia, Moda, No category

Experiencia Gafas Amarillas: "Fad diet"

A test of self-improvement by which I intend not buy clothes for 200 days - in principle - and change my own conception of clothing and fashion. We almost a week hearing of the Diet Shopaholic, (read the news here). Following this Canadian journalist who decided not to buy clothes for a year and go telling it through his drawings, with the idea…

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