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I know that she has these three fundamental virtues, and that's why I know that everything will be alright.

Today they operate, He's probably in the operating room right now. (this is a timed post) and without a doubt today it is more necessary than ever to look through the Gafas Amarillas and not give up in the face of adversity. because with force, courage and optimism, I'm sure we'll come out stronger from all of this..

From here my most sincere support to all the people who fight against diseases. My thoughts are not only with the family, but with everyone who manages to overcome these processes that life puts us in the way. ¡Have you suffered or are you in it?, know that you have us all wishing everything goes great! "Without you we are nothing” – I'm sure you know someone who is pensando eso sobre ti, seas quien seasasí que hay que encontrar la fuerza, reforzar el valor y potenciar el optimismo. Porque los baches están para superarlos, y para hacernos avanzar.

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