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The International Film Festival of Classic Retroback Scientific Neuromarketing uses to know if Ava Gardner is most attractive actresses of our time.


Ava Gardner, in another time considered as the “most beautiful animal in the world” ha estado muy presente en el Festival Internacional de Cine Clásico Retroback de Granada. Pero, ¿It will connect with the viewer as it did in the early 50 y 60?

To resolve this question, the Festival has used the latest technology, the truth machine” but scientific. Considered one of the great actresses of her time her beauty was a guarantee of success. Brain House Institute, by applying Scientific Neuromarketing the world of film, It shows how Ava Gardner remains a top actress when with viewers, showing that currently would be considered prettier than Penelope Cruz and Charlize Theron.

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If all these actresses were from the same period, Ava Gardner's face would be the most attractive and the most emociona.Ava Gardner 116% more attractive and Penelope Cruz 114% more than Julia Roberts.

"Thanks to Método Neurocientífico PACS can inter alia, determine the emotional level and the degree of attraction that an actress generates in comparison with the actresses of her time and even with current actresses” comments Antonio Ruiz (Co-fundador de Brain House Institute).

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No wonder people, We asked their brains.

actrices guapas neuromarketing (1)

Ava Gardner comparison with Penelope Cruz has revealed that Ava's face it un 116% more attractive than our most international actress.

Apply scientific innovation allows to obtain objective data on how viewers are reacting to watch a movie, short or audiovisual format. In the case of Retroback Festival, We know precisely What actresses better connect with the public, leaving a footprint” in people thanks to the fact that they excite us very strongly and positively. This working method is an evolution in the way that actors and actresses are selected to be protagonists of a series, película, o spot.