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Carlsberg converted the CCB of Barcelona into a gigantic dance floor in which 800 personas, convened through social networks, enjoyed the music of Juanjo Martín

The sun was shining and a light sea breeze cooled the atmosphere, the day could not be better to enjoy a few beers outdoors and if you add to that more than three hours of music accompanied by your friends… ¿why ask for more? That was the magnificent plan that all those who were attentive to Carlsberg's profiles on social networks and the hashtag #carlsbergsecretparty were able to enjoy..

El central patio of the Contemporary Culture Center of Barcelona (CCB) was the mysterious location that Carlsberg, marketed in Spain by Mahou San Miguel, national beer market leader, chose to celebrate a surprise party, on which 800 lucky people welcomed summer.

The music did not stop playing all afternoon: Juanjo Martin, one of the best DJs on the current scene of electronics, He acted as master of ceremonies, putting himself at the decks to make all the attendees dance without rest. Together with him, Paul Ladoire, Brand Party Manager, was in charge of warming up the atmosphere while the guests had their first cold Carlsberg. Por su parte, the popular DJ duo Crappy Tuesdays managed to keep the spirits up after Juanjo Martín's performance, with a selection of songs that were the perfect closing for the day.

The party was quite a challenge for Carlsberg, who put his convening power to the test by risking keeping the chosen city a secret until the day before the celebration. Además, kept consumers in suspense until the end, since the location was announced five hours in advance. If you missed it or were there
but you want to revive it, you just have to watch the video.

This “Secret Party” has served as a prelude in our country for "Where's The Party?”, a Carlsberg global macro-event that promises to be the perfect culmination of this summer. will be held next 31 August in an incomparable setting: the Stockholm Maritime Museum, converted for the occasion into a large dance floor where Axwell, considered one of the 10 best DJs in the world, act as master of ceremonies. To get an invite, which includes travel, accommodation in the Swedish capital and, por supuesto, VIP entrance to the party, Spanish consumers will only have to access and participate in an interactive experience designed for the occasion.

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