Read this post will take 1 minutos! To enjoy!

These pictures bear prowling in my files from time immemorial. I liked and save, with the immense failure not name them correctly. Now I do not know who you are, where do they come from or where do they go….  I tried searching the author and I find it very complicated to the point that I have not found.Final resolution:

I publish without giving details, for the sake of sharing with you some photos that I find magnificent, attractive, sexy and above all,… bah! ya sabéis, blessed heels!

I appeal to those skilled in shoes like my dear Patricia, and to all the readers and blog readers that if they know the origin of this / publisher / campaign lookbook / me in the comments indicate where they belong. And people who have no idea what is this, unless you encourage them to put more like!

I'm wet and I'm with blue double platform, and secondly with gray matadors. (but I like them all).

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benditos sexy heels (6) benditos sexy heels (2)