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La caída del cabello en otoño es algo que suele preocuparnos todos los años, that is why here we explain a series of causes and cares to mitigate it.

Alopecia is a medical problem that involvesloss of capillary density. There are many, many different types (some 100), which are due to factors of a different nature: hormonal, stress, alimentación, diseases… According to data that it handles and has provided me DosFarma, the leading Spanish online pharmacy in the market, Spain is the second country in the world with the most cases of alopecia, almost half of the population has it to some degree. So, hair loss is a fear for many, especially men, those who suffer the most. And like every year, hair loss arrives in autumn that worries us so much.


Pero, not all types of hair loss are definitive. In some cases, it is a slight loss that has to do with the life cycle of the hair; in others, we are talking about a rapid and abundant loss that must be stopped in time or dealt with by a professional.

Fall hair loss

¿What is seasonal fall and why we should not worry?

Para empezar, It is worth knowing that a healthy person has between 100,000 and 150,000 hairs.. They all go through a life cycle, that begins with the birth phase, continues with a growth one and ends with the rest one. About 10-15% of the hair is in the resting phase and will end up falling out. En otras palabras: every day we lose about 100 hairs naturally without causing any problem.

Pero, ¿Why do I notice so much hair loss in the fall?? This season of the year is the one most feared by those who are afraid of losing their hair. Many people claim that, when the hot season is over, they notice that they drop more. ¿Qué hay de cierto en esto? Aunque, as we said before, 10-15% of the hair is in the resting phase and will fall, There are times of the year when this percentage is higher. «More hair dies in the spring and takes about three months to shed. No obstante, the vast majoritywill grow back in three to four months.

"In autumn, It can be panic to see that more hair falls out than in other times, especially if we have long hair, because they look more. If you notice that the fall is more abundant than usual, you have to go to a professional, which will diagnose if it is something more than a simple renovation. At DosFarma we wanted to provide these tips for those who want to strengthen their hair and, sobre todo, start preventing alopecia, that can be slowed down a lot if the right guidelines are followed ».

Clara Motorcycle, farmacéutica DosFarma

Different types of alopecia and their treatment (o no)…

The first type of alopecia that we must name is the Alopecia androgénica: Androgenic alopecia (or common baldness), which is due tohereditary or hormonal causes, it is the most common in Spain. It is a rapid and abundant hair loss. In general, starts with a receding at the hairline (the classic tickets) and on the top of the head.

Affects about 40% of mens and even 10 % Women's. This is because this type of alopecia is caused by androgens, male hormones that make, entre otras cosas, that the hair becomes thinner. It can appear at any age, usually after puberty, and is usually accentuated among 30 and 40 years.There is no effective treatment to combat hair loss from androgenic alopecia, although yesprogress can be slowed by using preventive methods.

Fall hair loss

There are other types of alopecia that have nothing to do with hair loss in autumn but are produced by different causes such as:

  • Diffuse alopecia: Makes hair thinner and weaker, with what is lost at high speed. It has multiple causes, including thyroid-related diseases or lack of some nutrients (like zinc or iron).
  • Alopecia cicatricial: Some skin diseases can cause scarring alopecia, what does it meanhair loss in areas affected by scars, wounds or burns. It can also appear from other diseases, like infections.
  • Fall due to drug intake. People who take certain medicines, comoanticoagulants or anticancer drugs, may suffer a loss of capillary density, that will last as long as the treatment is maintained.
  • Telogen effluvium: It is an alteration in the life cycle of the hair: they do not complete it correctly and fall out prematurely. Unlike androgenic alopecia, telogen effluvium causes hair to fall out all over the head, but especially on the sides and rear. It is due to many factors (vitamin deficiency, anemia, diseases related to the endocrine system, hormonal disturbances, drugs…), but one of the most common reasons is stress. An extreme situation can trigger this alteration in the development of hair follicles, and telogen effluviumappears between 2 y 4 months after the stress situation occurs. En este caso, no irreparable damage to the root. So, it will grow again if the factor that motivated it disappears, some 6 or 12 months later.

¿How to prevent hair loss in autumn?

When fall is coming, it is common to be overwhelmed when finding a large number of hairs on the pillow, on the comb or brush or even on the floor. Sin embargo, you don't always have to worry, aunqueit is advisable to consult with the doctor if we notice something out of the ordinary. In the case of some type of alopecia, it is crucial to detect it in time and, sobre todo, initiate appropriate treatment.

Beyond the treatments that the doctor sends us, There are some easy-to-follow tips that will help maintain strong, healthy hair and prevent fall hair loss.. The experts ofDosFarma have compiled the most important, with which to take care of ourselves this fall and prevent possible future problems.

1. A balanced diet, rich in vitamins and minerals: The lack of certain vitamins and minerals is the reason for the appearance of various types of alopecia. These are some of the most important nutrients for hair health thatcan be added to our routine in a food supplement or with small changes in the diet:

  • Iron: is responsible for producing hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen to the body. Es, por tanto, essential for oxygen to reach the hair root. Found in foods like legumes, spinach or liver meat.
  • Zinc: helps the absorption of nutrients and stimulates hair growth. Found in clams, red meat, cheese or hazelnuts.
  • Omega-3: an extra of this nutrient helps increase capillary density and slow down hair loss. The olive oil, oily fish and shellfish are rich in omega-3s.
  • Vitamin A: is in charge of producing sebum, that hydrates the scalp. If there is a lack of this vitamin, hair growth slows down and the hair becomes dry. Eggs are rich in vitamin A, the carrots, broccoli or spinach.
  • Biotin: it is one of the B vitamins. A deficiency of this vitamin causes the hair to become weaker, so maintaining a good level is essential to avoid falling. It is present in the eggs, milk or bananas.
  • Cistina: it is an amino acid that is part of the proteins that make up the hair fiber. By incorporating it into our body, either through diet (green beans, broccoli, cheese…) or a supplement, we will help strengthen hair health.

2. Avoid stress: It can be difficult advice to follow at certain times in life. No obstante, exercising regularly helps reduce anxiety and stress levelsthat can cause telogen effluvium. Además, doing sports encourages blood flow and will make it reach the scalp better.

3. Dry without aggressiveness: Making jerky and strong movements to towel-dry your hair will not only frizz it more, but it can damage the capital fiber. It is best to make subtle movements and use very soft materials., preferably, de algodón.

4. Hair massage: Incorporating massage into our care routine will help increase blood flow to the hair follicles., with which the roots will be strengthened.

5. Do not abuse the dryer and the iron: The heat from drying and styling products can seriously damage the scalp and cause hair to weaken, dries up and falls off. For those who do not want to give up these tools, it is best to use a heat shield before.

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