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Because sometimes you are not able to discern if you prefer to see things in full color or in black and white.

Sometimes mastery like these makes us doubt whether we prefer photographs in B&not in color. (Let's recognize them, we all have our preferences). We came across a work by photographer Sven-Anton Svensson where simply with makeup and light (y, of course, la buena base de las modelos Hannah Johnson y Sarah Dumont) consigue crear unas instantáneas que consiguen con su fuerza traspasar cualquier píxel.

El artista del maquillaje ha sido Fredrik Stambor, y la encargada de !y yo con estos pelos¡ es Tuan Anh Tran de L’Atelier NYC.

Me siento incapaz de decidir si disfrutar del tecnicolor o seguir viendo la vida en blanco y negro!