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The change of wardrobe of each season can come in luxury to give a new life to our clothes, y de paso, ahorrar.

With this weird time we're having, although spring has formally arrived, time is still giving some surprise. Although it is true that we have already started to move the clothes to take out the summer clothes and forget about the winter ones.. That dreaded wardrobe change – that gives us all a brutal laziness – it can become something good for us and we can save with it (either with space or with goose pasta).  One of the things we must do in these times of apocalyptic world crisis is to find a way not to spend our money on useless things. – like clothes, that the reeds are always good for everyone.

¿How can we take advantage of this change of season to save a little and renew our wardrobe?? I already gave you advice once save on downgrade – that we will roll in place – and in this case I go a step further and decide to review our bases.

Get rid of what you don't use: The first thing I advise is that we take advantage of the fuss to get rid of a lot of things. Take out everything you have in the closet in batches (first what you are going to save and then what you are going to take out). What you have not worn all winter or what you think you will not wear next summer… ¡customized, donate or sell it!

We can recycle them in other garments (cut pants, etc…), we can donate them so that they do not continue to occupy space and do a good deed or even put them up for sale online and get some euritos – that never hurts. In this case we are saving space – that you already know that it is health too – and especially warm-ups of having the wardrobe always full and nothing to wear.

– Make a budget: Many times we let ourselves go and the best thing is to know how far we can go. Make some calculations of your income and expenses and get an approximate budget. What you buy, it will make sense and it won't make you feel guilty and above all try not to overdo it.

Ahorrar cambio de armario (2)

List of what you have and what you need: This advice to save with the change of wardrobe speaks for itself, ¿no? O ¿I'm the only one who doesn't remember that he has this or that shirt and buys one just like it?. Many times we try to do it automatically, pero, listen to me, with changing wardrobe, a little help from time to time comes in handy we have a lot on our minds.

– Compare and you will win: you know what you need… now look for it in several stores to compare price and quality. Remember that the cheapest is not always the most appropriate, that there are times when spending a little more helps you save by not having to change products so often. For it, before going shopping, check the prices in the catalogs, webs, apps or social networks of the different stores and go to the store where the product best fits you. Now you can never say that it was something improvised.

– Bargain hunter. Remember the outlets, of the offers, discount codes, etc… Both physical and online, there are a lot of outlet possibilities that can help you save and find the desire to fully enjoy your wardrobe change. Así que ya sabes, you have to get all those platforms that offer discounts. It is true that many times they offer products from previous seasons, but there are basics that are repeated in our wardrobe and that we can find on sale.

Sobre este tema realicé un especial en mi sección Al Ritmo de la Moda de Década FM. I leave you here in case you want to hear these tips from my mouth.

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