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Our body sometimes needs a good tribute. With this sleep cure at home you can recover the lost sleep hours and you will also have a beauty plan.

The sleep cure at home is something I started doing years ago and the truth is that when I tell my family, amigos, known, ¡or even who I meet in the elevator! (I am a lot of telling things) people love the idea, so now that I've had a little while I say: «I will evangelize in sleep and in bed», which seems to me a concept that I really like to join. A long time ago I made an article with 5 Tips to be free in bed I will evangelize in sleep and in bed «I will evangelize in sleep and in bed»

Cure dream home

I do not want to present a medical post with this, academic, apostolic and roman, but just tell my experience and how I manage to relax. If you have real sleep problems, it is best to go to specialist doctors to evaluate your case and remedy it. Por favor, es muy importante «to ensure» (it makes double sense) for our health so don't take it as a game.

¿When and why to do a sleep cure at home?

But let's go to the mess I roll up like a blind. We are all loaded with plans and stress and that makes mmany times we do not strictly comply with the recommendation to sleep 7-8 hours every day. A couple of days nothing happens but the hours that we eat to sleep will accumulate and make an impression on our performance and spirit.

I am a rather nocturnal person and I am used to staying up late but when I noticed that such a rhythm cannot be carried so easily and that my body wanted to stop from time to time I decided to rI will evangelize in sleep and in bed «I will evangelize in sleep and in bed» I will evangelize in sleep and in bed. I did my own sleep cure at home in a very simple way that I now explain.

It is best to do it when the body asks us to, although I try to make it at least once a month.

Organization to choose the right day

Before getting into trouble the best thing is to organize the calendar to be able to do it satisfactorily. Since for the cure to be 100% effective you need to let go and sleep as many hours as your body needs. You need to select a day when you can go to bed at the time you want, sí, Without restrictions, sooner or later, the important thing is that the body asks you for a bed. You also need freedom to get up the next day since you will not set the alarm clock at any time but it will be your own body that rises naturally, ¡it is the best way for the body to decide that it no longer needs to sleep!

An environment prepared for rest

It is very important that for your body to rest well you need an environment adapted for it. Clean sheets, a warm room – in fact you will sleep better if it is not too hot, but rather a slightly cool temperature – and the best is evitar direct light. Especially since in the morning, with the entry of light it can be a very unpleasant awakening. I also recommend put on earplugs to sleep They will prevent unexpected noises from breaking your dream home cure at its best.

A body prepared for rest

Asimismo, to help the body relax we must take a good hot shower at night. Let the muscles relax and make a particular effort in the cranial massage with some fragrant product. Además, it will be highly recommended that we have something light and that a couple of hours pass before we go to bed.

If we want to further enhance the interior of our body to rest fully We can also use a warm, relaxing infusion before bed.. Plants can also help you take some tension off when you go to sleep so if you feel like it you can take a herbal pill that relaxes and calms. (For harder pickups, por favor, go to your doctor and ask ¡no te automediques, por favor!)

A mind prepared for rest

I will evangelize in sleep and in bed «special night» I will evangelize in sleep and in bed, we also need to be able to relax the brain so that rest is comprehensive. Some tricks that can make you not only rest your body but also rest your mind are (and here are some more Tricks to calm your mind and sleep better, according to science):

  • Disconnect from the mobile a bit before bed: No reading in bed or being with him until the last minute before bed.
  • Make a list of all the things you have to do next: Sometimes we leave the burden of remembering our tasks to the brain. That makes, unconsciously, it keeps running to remember everything. By making a good list of things to do you will get rid of that tension and disconnect.
  • Meditate (or think weak): I explain, our mind needs to relax so we will not have to face great philosophical challenges, but for example if we focus on soft and pleasant things it can be very rewarding.

¿What do I wear for the sleep cure at home?

Now comes the most fashionable part and, although I'm a big fan of the pajama concept, to do the dream cure at home I recommend that we try to forget about it. ¡Free Sunday and Sunday! Sleeping without pajamas helps our skin to rest more since it has no fabric on it that wrinkles with our movement.

In my case I recommend, totally based on my objectivity, sleep only in pajamas top, or what I call: The Winnie The Pooh effect. That way I can be warmer at the top but without the hassle of pants that wrinkle. Asimismo, if you usually have cold feet, you can sleep with thin and slightly wide socks if possible in order to avoid pressure on the ankle.

Take it to the next level by adding a few beauty extras…

The truth is that I also take advantage of the sleep cure at home to turn it into an experience that goes one step further in which the sensory and beauty part it also does its job.

Para ello, suelo use bed perfumes – my favorite is from the Happy Budha range by Rituals (naranja) – before going to bed. I also take the opportunity to use products such as creams, oils or products that act during the hours I am asleep. Por ejemplo, I use a foot softening cream – which is something I don't usually use on a daily basis -, I also use oil of beard to moisturize and of course a nighttime hydrating face mask – My favorite is Kiehl's Ultra Facial Overnight Hydrating Masque.´s -. I don't usually use body cream but sometimes, mostly in summer, I turn to fresh body moisturizers or even aftersun if I have been exposed to the sun the previous days.

¿What do you think? I think he has stayed a great night to spend it sleeping soundly, ¿TRUE? The idea behind this sleep cure is that our body (and mind) do a complete re-start and by the way also take advantage to go out with great skin. ¡It is possible to kill two birds in one good sleep! ¡To enjoy!