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¡In this case it is true that the fault lies with El Corte Inglés!


El otro día, When the sales began in Madrid and Murcia I wondered where this phenomenon came from, so usual at the beginning of the year and in summer, but whose origin is usually ignored in news or blogs. The truth is that I cannot “sweeten it” since They were born purely and simply due to business competitiveness.

It was the classic competition between Galerías Preciados and El Corte Inglés that led to the establishment, in the decade of the 40, the so-called seasonal sales. They fulfilled two equally necessary functions, Firstly, position itself in the consumer's mind as a unique opportunity to purchase seasonal clothing at a more affordable price., always trying to beat the competition in discounts.

And in addition, it was intended to dispose of the stock of products from the period that was ending in order to "make room” to the new clothes. Two dates were also established, enero, to get rid of coats, and July to sell all the swimsuits.

This is how he explains it ¿do you remember? made by TVE. Click on the link since the RTVE website does not let me embed the video! Where is included a great retrospective of The First Steps of El Corte Inglés.

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