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Caótico Manhattan. Ruben Morin. http://caoticoruben.blogspot.com.es/ bajo_manhattan

Ay, first dates, ¡HOW MANY HEADACHES DO YOU GIVE US!. We all want to come out perfect, pero, ¿what makes a perfect first date? Each will have its own rules, I'll give mine to be perfect, ideal y memorable. Aunque, as I say in one of the rules, quizás, the first date is not as important as it seems.

“Honor Blackman’s Book of Self Defense”, 1965

Here's my first date Decalogue:

  • One: Never, NEVER, talk about your ex. It is not nice.
  • Of: On the first date, menos es más.
  • Three: The kiss goodbye. Si has visto feeling,a good kiss is always the best final.O the beginning of something better.
  • Four: Nothing to go to cine. At the cinema, people can not talk, can not be found.
  • Five: ¿Sex on the first date is bad? ¿who says so?.
  • Six: It is better to stay at a neutral site.
  • Seven: A good smile is the best presentation.
  • Eight: There are silences that can be beautiful. Nor should we be forced to be continually talking.
  • Nine: The plans are decided between the two.
  • Ten: More importantly the second round than the first, so smile and love.

“Honor Blackman’s Book of Self Defense”, 1965 2

As I said, my rules, does not mean they are the only neither necessary in each first date. All that matters is go to her wanting to eat us heart and minds to fuck.

Fotos: “Honor Blackman’s Book of Self Defense”, 1965