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A new beer that has surprised me, not just for the product itself, if not also for its curious way of advertising. Ambar Export


Add three malts to life, that is the emblem of the Ambar Export beer whose particularity is that it is made with three different malts that give it its flavor, body and personal scent. ¡Because the mix is ​​sometimes a very good idea! This beer is designed for what they call "life's gourmets.", es decir, those who delight in every sip of beer – I know more than one – and who do not hesitate to experience intense sensations on the palate.

ambar_export_cerveza As defined by the firm, This drink is intended for those who, without leaving their own skin, define their destiny., who pursue what they want and are faithful to their ideals, avoiding pressures or stereotypes. As proof of this, they have wanted to teach life, tastes and styles of six very different people, clear examples of people who "take three malts" into life. In his web page, and through photos, videos and stories, you can discover them a little better. ¡Seguro que te sorprenden! You can follow these experiences on Twitter using the hashtag #con3maltas.

And if you want to be one of them… you can win a trip around the world by sending your story counting everything you always wanted to do but didn't dare…. and the friends of Amber Export will try to make that experience come true. More info on their website.

Sobre El Coupage de tres Maltas

This “coupage”” malt mix, so original turns Ambar Export into a red beer, toast and, especially exuberant, to the palate. The green caramelized base malt, fills the beer with aromatic nuances, a second long-roasted malt provides color and body. Finalmente, the malt named “ sagging ” , in honor of Amber's first Brewmaster and produced in its own malting house built at the beginning of the 20th century, structure its firmness and its great aftertaste.

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