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This week I have had an in-depth analysis of the skin on my face and ¡I have approved! Bueno… más o menos.

Experiencia Eclechico Cosmetica personalizada AB7 (1)

Thanks to Carlos Batllés friend and her daughter Angela, masters of AB7 Cosmetics en Granada, This week my mother and I have been able to experience what it feels like to performing a skin test session and then designing a custom cream. I was particularly excited to test “from within” why everyone speaks so highly of this company specializing in personalized cosmetics that has been in business for more than 5 years with an own lab. (And teach you its facilities with the visit I made to 2.55 Moda y Comunicación en este post) Now there came to visit, played sit on the bench and play… ¡I was not going as a spectator, if not as a client! Experiencia Eclechico Cosmetica personalizada AB7 (3) The skin test was wild, for ca. 20 minutes not only questions of lifestyle and tastes were analyzed, but also the hydration parameters, elasticity, pigmentation… in various areas of the face. They detect even the depth of wrinkles and the appearance of spots on the face. My analysis came hydration deficit but good elasticity.

Experiencia Eclechico Cosmetica personalizada AB7 (4) Experiencia Eclechico Cosmetica personalizada AB7 (2)

¡Aquí podéis ver de cerca, search, Very close my beard!

After a thorough analysis, Angela showed you what kind of cream would make especially for you. All are unique and different because every skin needs different values nutrient or benefits, además you can choose the scent, if you like it more or less tacky or eccentricities caviar type… ¡they do it to you 100% a tu gusto! I asked him to be "ice effect", of those refreshing you leave the chilly side and only night use. Experiencia Eclechico Cosmetica personalizada AB7 (6)This experience Ecléchico I was accompanied by my mother, which was also analyzed… in addition to making her even more beautiful if possible, the aim is to check the effect that makes custom cosmetic skin AB7 both man and woman, as well as various ages. This week I will pick up my jar of cream ¡That even bears your name! Y… in a few months we will tell you the results.   DATOS:

AB7: Cosmética‎

Mozart, 18004 Granada 958 52 01 91