Read this post will take 1 minutos! To enjoy!

I'll let you know very early that today there is a short interview that they conducted with me for Ideal Granada..

I was very excited that fellow blogger Cármen Tébar (de Mi low cost –A great blog that I highly recommend.) will think of me to do an interview for the TuIdeal section of the Granada newspaper IDEAL, where history is valued, jobs and achievements” of street people, normal but very interesting.

I'll let you know in case you want to know a little more about me. (although I think I have said it all ) and also for the excitement of appearing such an important medium as IDEAL in Granada, which could be said to be the “emblem newspaper” from the province. The only downside, This section does not have a digital version, so only those who buy the paper edition will be able to see it! Even so, I will get a copy (and my grandma, and my uncles, and friends; ya sabéis, the fan effect is what it has! hehe) And if I scan it for you, those who do not live in these parts can see it..

You are warned! A hug.