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Every year I look forward to the Andrés Sardá parade. I recognize that lingerie and swimsuits are one of the most difficult products – and at the same time more pleasant – to exhibit on a catwalk. need a structure, some complements and some indicators that give life to some simple – no matter how complex they are – panties.

Sardá always manages not only to surprise me, but fall in love, almost like the great show parades that Victoria puts on´s Secret. On this occasion a mexican mysticism, loaded with color, of appliques and South American references have complemented the lingerie proposals. References to an understood and self-valued Latin sensuality, image of personality in references such as Frida Kahlo.

There has been room for the most sophisticated, and also for the funniest. And the models' bodies have accompanied – On other occasions, extreme thinness makes anything dull. (I'm not saying that these girls weren't thin, but at least you don't fear for their physical integrity). If you want to see the video…

Video de Europa Press

Fotos: Vogue.es