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Mix such distant concepts as essentially "serious" garments” and casual accessories can only be done if you are a true bohemian gentleman.

We begin by defining the concepts of Bohemian Knight ¿looks like them?. According to the RAE, gentleman this is a “Man who behaves with distinction, nobility and generosity” (third meaning) and meanwhile (also third meaning) refers to Bohemia “Said of a way of life: That deviates from social norms and conventions” ¿You don't see the union? En 2016 The distinction, nobility and generosity is gradually disappearing… But departing from social norms is a must. ¿Por qué no mezclar las acepciones?

Estilo Caballero Bohemio (9)

For that reason I would like to become a bohemian gentleman, that mixed the meanings of its terms, would be "a man who deviates from social norms and conventions and therefore behaves with distinction, nobility and generosity” ¿Qué os parece? ¿My head has gone a lot? I believe that it is possible and therefore, I try every day.

Estilo Caballero Bohemio (10) Estilo Caballero Bohemio (6)

You already know that always in these articles of Estilo Diario I try to mix not only clothes, but also tell you ideas, sensations or what the clothes transmit to me… Based on this union, en este artículo, besides thinking about this new concept, I wanted to show it also stylistically and therefore I mix a perfect custom made suit de Hockertywith a relaxed shirt y algunos complementos que se asocian más al espíritu bohemio que a los estándares marcados por cualquier etiqueta. Se trata de un traje azul de lana fría hecho a medida que me han mandado los amigos de Hockerty, ideal for halftime.

It is a clothing website that fits perfectly if you enter the data correctly, but in this case select some “falsified” to get that relaxed effect and forget about the usual tight suit. I wanted something that would give me style, no seriedad. That is why I have complemented it with this Zara shirt a little longer than normal and with side openings to go on the outside and a nice mandarin collar.. ¡I love this kind of necks!

Estilo Caballero Bohemio (7)

It doesn't matter where you are and – incluso – whatever you're wearing. Always remember to bring out that mix of interesting concepts capable of revolutionizing any meaning. Y por supuesto, if you are a girl, there is an equivalent for you of this Bohemian Knight. ¿What do you think about Lady Bohemia?? (And nothing to resort to “señorita porque, recuerda, no man has to raise your rank).

Traje: Hockerty/Camisa: Zara / Zapatillas: Springfield /Pulsera: Cassey Jewelry

Estilo Caballero Bohemio (12)

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