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You have to start dressing from the feet… and the socks should be accessories to take into account ¡fill them with color!

happy socks gafas amarillas eclechico (4)

 happy socks gafas amarillas eclechico (2)

Pies ¿what do I want you for? Well to start walking, and nothing better than do accompanied color, fantasy and self-satisfaction. We all know how good we feel when we are comfortable with our underwear and we love above. Socks, for it, They may be the object of desire of most painted dandy. You have to start dressing from the feet…

happy socks gafas amarillas eclechico (1)

I want to show the Socks Happy Socks that have given me. It is a limited collection that made the Indian designer Manish Arora and that make me a very special tender ¡They've stolen my heart to put it on cotton!

foto eclechico happy socks fortuny

Happy Socks always surprises with colors, designs and prints make us capable of floating on clouds without leaving our zapatos. The lucí on the first day of the Gateway recent Fortuny Granada and caused furor. (Photo taken by Christian Edgar)

“Happy Homotography” by LaChapelle with Happy Socks


Y ahora, without interest in comparing because it would be impossible and it would come out "very much losing” both on a photographic level and on a great body, I show this campaign – photo session called “Happy Homotography” by American photographer David LaChapelle where the absolute protagonists – apart from the hot bodies – son los Happy Socks.

Happy-Homotography-LaChapelle-3 Happy-Homotography-LaChapelle-6

¡I thought it was great and very funny!.He has always loved the work of LaChapelle, and without hesitation I feel devotion Happy Socks, from the union of this only something so great could come out….A fully mischievous image, sexy and fun, but with sophisticated touches ¡and without hesitation! All colorful.


