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The Granada-born brand Awita creates signature pret-a-porter, based on your creativity and personality, and therefore, outside of commercial lines.

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It caught my attention before I even met her. In a store in the center of Granada I saw some t-shirts that They caught my attention for their freshness and dynamism. I did not think that its creator was from Granada and that it would be so close! So communicating on Social Networks I told him to explain more about his signature, Sing, and Nuria agreed delighted!

In an increasingly difficult world to find something different, Awita was born as a Spanish brand specialized in the design of moda exclusive with genuine character. As explained

My goal is to show an author's pret-a-porter, aimed at a contemporary woman and today, a woman with genuine and individualistic character”.

Nothing better than "read” through his words… “I describe my designs as integrated within a versatile fashion concept, that provide comfort and exclusivity. The quality of the garments is extraordinary, and for it, I always look for special fabrics”.

In addition, the creative and artistic part is fundamental and very important, y eso, for my taste, suma a plus – pun. “My creative part is always developed from art and photography. I always keep in mind when creating my love of art. My atelier is located in Granada, From here I coordinate the production that I carry out in a personal and artisanal way, reflecting in each piece, harmony and sensitivity”.

You see what I love these independent projects, cute, fun,  passionate and on top of that made in Granada… I also think they are very nice and quality products, great to make a gift or to stand out on any occasion going beyond the "mass fashions". I have pending a visit to his atelier to see closely how it is done and the creative process, so we will continue to inform!

The timelessness of my clothes, is always being yourself.- Nuria / Sing

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