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A veces hace falta salir de lo cotidiano para encontrarse a uno mismo.

Si seguís este blog conocéis que soy one of the most eclectic people of this world. From sweet to savory, from baroque to minimalism or from Las Azúcar Moreno to The Sound of Arrows… That has given me great joy throughout my life., and I think will continue to do. En este caso, in relation to that, viene este estilismoKnight Camouflage”, nunca – or very very very little – I wear a suit jacket, but finding these Opposuits that were presented to me at Funidelia, I admit that I saw them with a new perspective….

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Estilo traje camuflaje opposuits gafas amarillas (3) Estilo traje camuflaje opposuits gafas amarillas (10)

 ¿And if the suit instead of uniforming you what it does is differentiate you? ¿And if one of them also manages to camouflage you? Among all these comings head I made this outfit with a suit of camouflage that is already part of my wardrobe and, aunque ahora mismo no tengo muy claro cuándo o para ir a dónde me lo pondré, pero ya puedo afirmar que cuando lo haga seguro que será marking attitude and letting out the gentleman in me not go unnoticed though camouflage.

¡You know how much I like contrasts!

Traje: Opposuits of Funidelia / Camiseta: Zara / Travel bag: Vintage / Zapatillas: Montag 73

Estilo traje camuflaje opposuits gafas amarillas (6) Estilo traje camuflaje opposuits gafas amarillas (9)

Estilo traje camuflaje opposuits gafas amarillas (2)

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