Read this post will take 2 minutos! Let's enjoy!

I can promise and I promise that I know it "sells"” as a three-day beard is a myth and refers, como mínimo, to ten…

I have always seen and heard the concept “barba de tres días”. is always between the most stylish, es un must, is a reference, it is flattering, is simple, it is something inherent to any man… and it's fake! After three days there is still nothing at all!

Esta claro que no puedo hablar de todos los machos del plantea y que la fuerza y rapidez del pelo es diferente en cada hombre. There will be boys who won't even wait months to get a bushy beard while for others the shadow will already be more than accentuated on this third day.. But normaly, what is known as a three-day stubble, it takes on average a few 10 to grow. And I say this from experience! He realizado la investigación con la ayuda de Instagram, a photography social network. And There you go!

how can you check, I stay in very little thing without a beard, I have a big double chin, my face looks even more straw and I turn into a pipiolo. A penalty, pen, pena, vamos

I'm a furry boy, en general, and my hair grows pretty fast. How do you see until the ninth day (goes from left to right and from top to bottom) I don't have a beard worthy of being called “of three days”. And sometimes I have come to hear it under the concept of “beard of two” días! This is already impossible and unacceptable!

All this began when I found out that in order to heal the skin you had to completely remove the beard at least once a yearo, to moisturize, remove dead skin, etc… so no short not lazy I didn't hesitate to take it off when I saw that I had more than 4 years without allowing the skin to breathe completely and also had a week “tranquila” (then it turned out the opposite). Por unanimity of humanity it was concluded that I am more handsome with my bearded friend, but at least this helped me to clean up, being able to do this Eclechico experience and demystify the three-day beard.

Through these celebrities we can see what a three-day beard is (or cases cases)!


Y estos, that were also named under the same concept, clearly they are not:


Well, with this and a cake, Dear friends, friends, fans and others… Now when you are watching a movie, or looking at your boyfriend, brother or father, seguro que sabéis differentiate between a TRUE three-day stubble and a FAKE and extended three-day stubble. De nada!