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Ecléchico, el blog de El Señor de las Gafas Amarillas cumple dos años cargados de sueños e ilusionesy los que quedan!

Agradecido y emocionado, in this post 1001, solamente puede decir

Prometo que voy a estar todo el día con esos saltitos de agradecimiento… (not with the stole, que hace calor…)

It was a hot afternoon, sheltered by the boredom of these summer days that seem to have 28 horas. Jobless, no practices, no clarity on the future and not much on the past either, sin expectativas y sin nada fresquito que echarme a la bocaasí nació, two years ago today, el Señor de las Gafas Amarillas, and automatically the blog you are visiting. (my own self, Manuel, born in october. I warn it so that the people who know me don't start to freak out in colors and short circuit)

During this time we have had happy moments, sad, collaborations, change of addresses, makeovers, personal and blog (tens), long posts, shorts, videos, I jumped into the world of dance, I became a speaker or even did my first steps as an egoblogger,  own campaigns, eventazos, fiestas, tranquillity, more or less glamor, incluso para ir al chiningAnd coincidentally this is entry number 1001! 

They have undoubtedly been two years full of emotions and that they have reported to me, thanks to this space, some of the best things profesionales ypassionatede este hobby de mi vida.

There are still many dreams to fulfill, but little by little, with your spirit, They will arrive and I will tell you.

This summer starts with even more projects that will soon be revealed, among which are being the protagonist of a comic, undertake, continue training, continue fighting day by day to demystify, zoom in, report, and have fun in a sector, in the of the moda, in which more and more naturalness and Gafas Amarillas, are more present! Están por todos lados

Last year I had a big birthday party, you can see the photos here and here. Para este también estaba programada pero hay un problemita familiar yChichi is not here for lanterns”… but don't worry, we are not left without a party! We will do it in September or October and I promise you it will be even cooler.


Thank the manager of Lukor, for your unconditional support (and selfless), to my family, friends and colleagues, for always supporting me in this illusion of my life, and of course To all of you, thank you very much for accompanying me on this path, because without you none of this would have been possible, I know it sounds cliché, but this time I confirm that this heartfelt gratitude comes from within my interlinings. Espero seguir aquí con esta frescura que me caracteriza durantelo que el cuerpo aguantepara seguir informando, giving opinions and having fun about fashion.

Thanks, gracias y gracias por venir y por todoBesis.