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I was moved by this video that puts us on the track of how we deal with the difference in shop windows.

Os recomiendo este vídeo que han realizado Pro Infirmis donde realiza una serie de mannequins based on people with problems and deformation under a sincere and direct cry ¿Quién es perfecto? The video shows the recognition process by these people as well as people's reactions when seeing it in a real showcase.

We often chase ideals instead of accepting life in all its diversity.. For the weak strives especially for acceptance and inclusion de las personas con discapacidad», dice Mark Zumbühl, member of the Pro Infirmis Executive Board.

This makes us reflect on the importance of the standards that are imposed and advertise in the shop windows. You already know that it is very complicated to talk about the difference and the concept – Here I put my opinion the other day on the use of the term "real woman” – but I think that actions like these help raise awareness that everyone, todos, we are all real, only, different and beautiful whatever happens.


