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“I like to convey my feelings through the creative beauty of textile elements”.

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Sofia Rivera Campuzano, was born in Écija ago 30 años, in a family of musicians, the Campuzanos. Flamenco and culture lover. He studied music at the Écija conservatory and danced flamenco for 20 years of his life. She is, granddaughter, niece and cousin of tailors, dressmakers and embroiderers.

Graduated in communication (journalism) at 2002 and specializes in marketing and communication cabinets. Complementa su preparación con masters en marketing y asesora de imagen decidiendo introducirse de lleno en el mundo de la moda en el 2009 when she becomes a businesswoman and decides to pay homage to her mother to create a flamenco fashion firm: «Carmelina Campuzano» for those who are signing their own designs. She studied fashion at the Seville Fashion School and decided to launch herself into this exciting world of ready-to-wear with her collection «the passion to feel«, a collection that collects those feelings that lead her to be the woman she is today.

-¿Cómo nace tu pasión por la moda y cómo decides dedicarte a ella?

Fashion has always been a passion that has been linked to my way of life, not even considering this full dedication until 2007 when I saw that it really was what called me and filled me with truth. I never really thought that when I started studying and preparing myself I would develop faculties that I never trusted so much as to be able to develop them..

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– ¿What do you like most and what you least like about creating fashion?

What I like most about this exciting world of fashion is the endless possibilities that exist to convey a message. The ability to create and tell a story through the composition of garments that enhance the beauty of the human body. That is what i like the most, being able to convey my feelings through the creative beauty of the combination of textile elements. What I like least, NOTHING because the best gets to be also thanks to those things that are not so much to our liking.
You learn from all the creators and they all deserve my respect, That's why I like to see everything, you always learn and capture different visions and perceptions. If I have to point out designers that I greatly admire and who are great for me, I prefer Juana Martín and the art of Lacroix and Dior, but for me the greatest reference that exists is art and culture in general., accompanied by the good work of a professional team that is capable of creating the great work of art, product of a feeling.– ¿Cuales are your reference designers in Spain? E International?

– At the market level, ¿How do you rate the current Spanish fashion?? ¿and internationally?

The market is overcrowded and the economic situation is quite "regular" but there are great professionals and inexhaustible sources of ideas that make many creations shine with their own light.. It is true that nowadays products are sometimes valued, quizás, more for the strategy and marketing of a commercial department than for the quality and essence of an exquisite and quality product, I am not saying that the great commercial launch does not have that quality, but it is true that sometimes we replace it with the image that is projected.

There is a very competitive market but there are always signs of identity that make the difference and that is why we have to fight and work.

– Fashion platforms like Andalusia, or contests and samples of novel and emerging designers… ¿What do they mean in the career of designers today?

Suponen, in my opinion, a perfect space to acquire knowledge, filming and professional experience that at the same time serves as a great showcase to show us and guide us through the most appropriate ways through which we launch our firm, our company.

– ¿What are the bases that support your designs?, your style?

The feeling and passion for a world that makes me vibrate. My style is based on the taste and pleasure of beauty, for the recreation in the beautiful and harmonious being able to transmit through my designs an exquisite and pleasant feeling. I want to convey an enveloping message that makes you feel in a special way. The elegance, the balance and the taste and flavor of an Andalusian woman who feels in a special way. That's how I feel and that's what I want to convey.

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– Tell us how the concept of your latest collection and the idea emerges

It was my first bet on ready-to-wear and it was clear to me that my first collection came to express those first feelings that lead me to take a pencil and paper and start drawing my sensations.. Andalusia, the land where I was born, the education and musical culture that I have enjoyed and that passion for what is ours. Andalusia, the land that makes me feel so much and its culture. Andalusia for me is art and among that art, Bullfighting. The bullfighting inspiration is reflected in a collection that tries to give a vision of the elegance and cultural richness of a world that is so much ours and so full of identity.. It is a world that I know very closely and it was a very rewarding personal commitment..

– ¿What are you preparing?? ¿ We advance some projects or plans in the short or medium term.

At this time, in addition to moving and promoting my firm, I am beginning to outline the first ideas that will give rise to my second flamenco fashion collection.. I am signing my signature designs «Carmelina Campuzano» which includes the name of my mother and to whom I owe this passion and taste for what is beautiful and well made. In February a collection has to see the light that, as always, will be marked by the exquisite and beautiful Andalusian women.

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