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PETA eyes open brands to stop using mohair wool in their collections. ¿What is? ¿Why shouldn't we buy it?? ¿How we can help?

The world of fashion and progress to a more conscious society production, the environment and animals, can not be allowed to continue procedures for certain tissues they are not typical of a developed society. In this case we speak of mohair wool.

We all know that The wool is of animal origin and is obtained by shearing sheep (goats and, mainly, sheep), but also it fits into this category sheared llama, alpacas, guanacos o vicuñas. It is a process that, although somewhat uncomfortable, does not harm the animal can continue with a healthy lifestyle. (Of course I speak of processes that are responsible and logical – not crazy or unscrupulous who are everywhere) so its regulated use falls within the parameters fashion Conscious. But in this case we refer specifically mohair wool is even more cruel to get.

¿Where does mohair wool come from??

Within the sheared sheep, There is a special category that has a cruel process of getting to the animal. The coat of the Angora goat. This animal is a breed of domestic goat, very small compared to other families caprinas. It is characterized by being quite docile.

This type of goat is originally from Tibet and arrived in Turkey in the 16th century.​ Hasta 1849, Ankara province was the only producer of angora goat. It is thought that the Emperor Charles V was the first to bring to Europe.

The term mohair seems to come from the Turkish word mukhya, whose meaning is' the best [fleece]’ and with the Arabic word mukhayyar, which means' a cloth of goats' hair '.

lana mohair

The mohair is achieved by a process of shearing or cutting hair to Angora. Lamentablemente, This is a very stressful process for them, since they are prey animals and for that reason they disturbed a lot to be immobilized and vulnerable.

It is a type of naturally occurring fiber considered very luxurious. It is important to note that unlike other wool are usually curly, mohair hair is very smooth and fine. It produces fabrics that are characterized by very bright, firm and soft. Además, It has a lot of elasticity and is less prone to wrinkles. It is used in making sweaters, scarves and jackets high quality.

The main producer of mohair fiber is South Africa. —60 % of world production—, followed by the state of Texas.3​ South Africa exports semi-processed mohair to European fabric manufacturers, mainly located in the UK.

lana mohair

¿Why PETA opposes and criminalizes this process?

For those who don't know – which I doubt if you are readers of this blog because I have spoken several times about it – PETA is an animal rights organization that protects the rights of animals. In this particular case, He has denounced on many occasions and cruel outrages against Angora goats.

This organization and many others consider that all situations by passing these animals are criminals. Por ejemplo, many end up with cuts and injuries during sheared, which eventually become infected, causing death. Another aspect widely criticized is that to clean the fur goats launches into a highly toxic cleaning solution, which can poison them and kill them. This animalistic defense agency complaint for producing mohair these animals are not considered at any time neither care nor good treatment, ending horrific practices.

Brands have already reacted with mohair wool

Recently, The organization has managed to get various brands to position themselves against this type of wool. Although some luxury brands still use it, the large mass fashion chainsZara, Topshop, Gap, Banana Republic, UNIQLO, Spirit, MANGO, Old Navy, Athleta and H&M They have announced that they renounce the mohair wool for making garments.

This action comes after the release of a video by PETA in which images appear 12 different farms in South Africa (place from where more than half of the mohair wool in the world).

Here I leave you the video (care to give the play, You can hurt your sensitivity)

The research carried out PETA's Post published the Washingtop, but before made public had arrived directly to the Department of Design and production of large textile fashion groups who decided to remove said fiber collections. Aquí puedes ver el Complete list of brands that do not use wool mohair. These large groups undertake to eliminate this fiber from all their collections before 2020.

¿How can we help not to perpetuate this suffering??

Es muy sencillo, with not buying anything containing mohair on the label we are launching a clear message to the industry. ¡We do not want to participate in this cruel shearing process!  Asimismo, we can educate the people we have around us to know the situation and are aware of what they get when they buy mohair.

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