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Imagine that Karl Lagerfeld gets lost in the most fashionable cities ¡Finding it becomes quite a challenge in ¿where is karl?

In the purest style “¿Where is Wally?”, la Editorial Juventud has just published ¿where is karl? que,starting from the same base – search for a specific character among a visual tangle –, proposes an imaginary of the fashion world taken to the extreme and with great sympathy.

Synopsis: Always forth, Karl Lagerfeld, It is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Florence fashion blogger Sabine (You can call Fleur) You have to find. If he can interview, surely your website stand out from the rest. Pero ¿where Karl will appear? ¿At a photo shoot in Dubai? ¿On the slopes of St.. Moritz? ¿At the Met Gala in New York? Get on the sleeves of your skulls Alexander McQueen and start Fleur help answer the question… ¿where is karl?

Libro Donde esta Karl (3)  Libro Donde esta Karl (4)

The book is signed by three women who dedicate themselves to the world of fashion from inside and wanted to make this little humorous tribute not only the famous designer, but also to the world of fashion – and its main actors – usually. First of all Stacey Caldwell is vice president of global business for American fashion designer Thakoon and her co-author is Ajiri A. Aki is producing fashion videos and has worked with companies such as Neiman Marcus, Macy’s, Farfetech, Marchesa and Rachel Roy. Pero ¿Who made these illustrations?? It is the third name that accompanies us: Michelle Baron is an illustrator who loves to create characters inspired fashion.

Libro Donde esta Karl (6)


In addition to Karl, throughout the pages of¿where is karl?” podemos find a number of players in the fashion world: Publishers, modelos, it girls, stylists, other designers… And the funniest thing is that among all these characters, They slip also many more familiar faces generally farándula. I no desvelaré much but I found people like Lady Gaga or even Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie with their children.

this book becomes a great choice both for fun and to surprise with a fun gift and linked to the world of fashion. And it seems that Karl Lagerfeld never fails to inspire, and also we spoke recently on this blog from the book: Secrets of Karl by Tiffany Cooper, su “illustrated autobiography but with much guasa”.

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