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Various tricks surround us also in the world of fashion ¿Do you want to know the latest?

No, I will not talk about the very famous handbags from last season. This post is dedicated to “lightness or darkness” dentro del mundo de la moda, y de ciertas triquiñuelas que han saltado recientemente “al candelabro”; from “corruption” even crazy ideas… a compendium of examples that make us see that there are also envelopes in the world of fashion and that not everything is as glamorous as we think. This news reminds us that “you will see things, friend Sancho…”  y que la moda, and management, You can always continue to surprise.

¿You want to look like an important blogger? ¡treat yourself!

Perhaps the news that surprised me. When you have a fashion blog, inevitably and however "out of the market"” you're, te hace ilusión que reconozcan tu trabajo, your image or even your potential… That's why it's a reason to be happy when you start receiving information from big firms, invitaciones a eventos o incluso ciertos regalos (most in return for promotion). I die of excitement every time they give me something, pero jamás en la vida se me hubiera ocurrido:

“Según “Los bloggers simulan ser VIPs comprando ellos mismos los regalos de las marcas para prensa”.

I found out about this news thanks to the interesting reflection of Iago Dávila in his article “Corruption in fashion blogs” published in GQ magazine and from which I transcribe a brilliant and enlightening paragraph:

Dear fashion bloggers, […] permitidme que os aclare una cosa: la esencia del soborno es que uno saque un beneficio a cambio de dar cobertura, do free advertising of a brand at the expense of spending your own money. A ver, para que lo entiendas: It is the same logic why not bring your canapes At a press event.

What is clear:

It has always been said that the most effective thing is to be Juan Palomo… but you have to be dumb for this.

Lo oscuro: ¿It will have positive effects for them? ¿They will get call effect?

¿Do you want to be a professional blogger?? ¡pagalus!

They will not be needed hundreds of hours of dedication, formation of related (casi siempre autodidacta), to explore your personality to be a digital agency, exploiting his charisma and get something unique, credit your work and your good work little by little… Ahora, because you'll IED Madrid become a reputed fashion blog for easygoing weekend. + info.

For anything I am against training in fashion communication, al revés, incluso me encuentro cursando el Máster de Comunicación y Gestión de Moda de ESCO; pero considero que the terrain could have been explored much more without falling into "the easy”. Not that I think fashion blogger “It is born” – It would be a very Aryan thought – If not, I consider that it must be a passion and a dedication, not a mere certificate – even if you can, y se deba, put in the curriculum.

Cada vez se mercantilizan más los blogs de moda, y oye, que cada uno haga con su bitácora lo que quiera; but get to this point… ¡ And with title and everything! Quizá ponga: «Keep calm and bloggit queen gossip xoxo

What is clear:  Quizá alguna persona descarriada encuentra su verdadera vocación y sabe, gracias a ellos, and focus it.

Lo oscuro: ¿They are profiting from a personal movement?

¿You want clarity in Spanish designers? ACME no

In this case the story is told by Inmaculada Urrea through the blog "Fashion passes, the mark remains” inside ModaES in this interesting article: ACME NS/NC in which he explains exactly how the Association of Fashion Designers of Spain is at your disposal to answer questions and When asked about the financing and where they went public funds intended for designersLucía Cordeiro, Directora Ejecutiva de ACME, "Pasalacabra."” and forgets the subject. I recommend you read it and bring forth your own conclusions, yo sigo sorprendido con la reacción.

A mi me parece que en un terreno de dinamización de la moda es fundamental el apoyo público, but also regulated, medido y por supuesto, fully accessible and clear – as all politics and grants should be.

What is clear: Sectoral union is necessary, but ¿at what price?

Lo oscuro: ¿They are lining their pockets at the expense of the public even though their company does – muchas – aguas?

¿You want suits and ties? ¡Toma 20.000€!

In the political section noted that, entre los papeles de Bárcenas, as explained by the Politics and Fashion website in "Rajoy's envelope B for suits and ties", which according to El Pais, “ Mariano Rajoy habría recibido 20.600 B envelopes euros for "suits and ties”. ¿it seems a lot to you?

What is clear: If I had my stylist the currele Rajoy, It would, minimum, de Bernhard Willhelm. ¡I was going to kill everything!

Lo oscuro: Maybe he spent it all on "bedding"” ¡and to jog!

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