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Last week I visited Madrid to try in hand – and standing – the new nissan qashqai

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An adventure in the mountains of Madrid driving fast on highways or walking among cows, castles and breathtaking scenery by secondary roads. On Wednesday and Thursday last I was in Madrid with Nissan to meet the new Nissan Qashqai which was released just the day 24 from January. They selected three people from Spain to evaluate different aspects of the vehicle: Salva Qashqai World Forum, to enjoy the details and improvements over the previous model; Pedro Engadget to evaluate new technological and ecological functions; and myself, appreciation for the role of design and experience as the end objective public.

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though i could talk – bueno,copy the briefing – the technical specifications of the car for hours, I prefer to put you a link so you can discover the official website New Nissan Qashqai por completo, Technical specifications, modelos, advantages and prices. And if you want to know the novelties that this new Qashqai model brings with it, I recommend this article from “Autopista” llamado “Las 10 improvements of the new Nissan Qashqai” . Here I want to talk about my experience driving it "like crazy"” through the Madrid mountains.

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experiencia eclechico nuevo nissan qashqai (5)A route to discover

After a short explanation of snacks and intensive Stewart Callegari, Product Planning Manager de Nissan, intensive English class began our automotive route plan by pairs, yo I was lucky to get in the car with great Elisenda, the area of ​​social media for Nissan in Spain. Lo pasamos genial, not only discovering every minute car functionalities ¡And beeps everywhere! but also chatting, singing or even getting lost in residential high standing Madrid.

These routes made me experience things he never lived, ¡And I don't mean driving through Chinchón! but as that magnificent sunroof able to open the car to the full sky; self-parked: Thanks to video cameras that have integrated into the car side, when a space was indicated to the car ¡he parked alone! With all the maneuvers necessary for it. Sincerely, para mi, I do not like to park, es a surprising and brilliant invention. Asimismo I took first automatic car, making disappear all doubts I had about this type of cars. Here you can see a video of the experience from inside the car:

Introducing high-flying

And the ground we saw the sky of Madrid. Both my accommodation as the press conference and presentation of the car took place in Madrid towers. The top floors of the Crystal Tower looked as if it were a technology museum to discover inside and peculiarities of Qashqai.

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Among disassembled engines, Seat pressure tests, memory or speed tests or ¡Even a hairdresser to tune you with the colors of the car! The press conference was held where we could know the details of the car and its manufacture. And then with delicious and original canapés and tapas interact with their creators and other equipment in addition to the pieces.

Fun facts

  • New seat Qashqai is done "using scanning techniques inspired by NASA”. – and the truth is that he was very comfortable and with his kidneys great for collecting
  • Qashqai The name refers to an Iranian tribe called Kashgai (also written qashqai, qasqays o Turks qasqa) were originally pastoralists and some remain so today. + info.
  • The company is double celebration, not only by the birth of this new model, but also because Nissan celebrates its 80th year this year.º birthday.

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Por último, but no less important, I want to thank the whole team of Nissan moved to Madrid to these press presentations they have been made during the month. Besides currantes great professionals and have been very nice and close, making the experience even more relaxed. And I want to make special mention of Silvain, that although was not lucky enough to meet in person, He has been with us every step of the route placing colored arrows indicating our way in difficult places, in addition to ensuring us through the localizer we wore around his neck. Here below you can see my photo with the arrow and ¡Yours! ya que, after my departure, Elisenda was responsible for checking our "invisible guide" a souvenir photo. ¡Without you, many of us would still be lost in the mountains.!

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