Read this post will take 1 minutos! Let's enjoy!

This is the post number 500. It's not that I'm very fond of counting the days, the hours, los post, the numbers, etc… If not, I'm always moving forward trying to enjoy without thinking about whether I've been more, any less, but always looking for the "best", but today by chance I have come across the number and I have realized that it had 499 post…

¡It seemed like a significant number and I want to thank you for being there during this time.! I hope to continue meeting your expectations and I invite you to tell me what you would like to see on the blog, what would you eliminate, etc… This is a living blog and it is also nourished by the interaction that I maintain every day with all of you.!

Así que este pequeño post es para agradecer y para haceros partícipe del avance imparable del blog gracias a vosotros! Espero que se vayan juntando de 500 en 500 y siempre con esta visión desenfadad y un poco personal de la moda y las tendencias. Seguiremos dando guerra y mirando a través de estas gafas amarillas!

El señor de las Gafas Amarillas

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