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I have always thought about the complication that makes up the realization of advertising campaigns, photo session or editorials whose protagonists are accessories like this one by January Jones Versace

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It is necessary to be very clear how to focus attention on these products…. when they appear alone they may have the problem of being too impersonal, and when a model wears them maybe we can only look at her. En este caso, I think a perfect symbiosis has been achieved between model and accessories.

January Jones (one of the protagonists of the successful Mad Men) It is spectacular (de eso no cabe ninguna duda), and on top of that we stripped her of all clothes. ¿Cómo resistirse?. But let's turn the tables… let's not see an impediment in plugins, but an ornament (that is what they are designed for). Nothing can cheer up a woman's figure more than good shoes, un bolso o unas gafas.

This is the spring-summer campaign of 2011 Versace accessories. The pictures, signed by the great Mario Testino testify the good know-how of a firm and a photographer capable of getting us to look exactly where they want, not where our pupils do not lead.

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