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One of the fundamental elements of the earth planet can also be a fashionista. And it is that WeWood watches show us that wood tells us the time wonderfully

During these last seasons we have seen wooden proposals in a multitude of fashion designs such as shoes and bags, as well as accessories, pero the company WeWood has given a twist to this material and has managed to create, completely, a wooden clock.

With a marked ecological awareness, this company makes curious designs that, without losing their minimalist originality, become small ecological works of art.. They define themselves as a brand of ecological luxury and design, it is “the avant-garde approach to sophisticated sustainability”, they argue on their website.

Cwooden clockada one of the wooden clock WeWood It has a marked character of its own but following within the design line “Wood”, they do not have any artificial or toxic element and are found in different varieties of wood how to map ebony. This raw material is obtained from industrial waste intended to be destroyed, so even this is a way to recycle, In addition to having some complementos originales.

The new “green” mindset” is the idea behind the creation of these watches that can be purchased around the 120 dollars and buy them through the network. But that is not all, in addition, For each product sold by said march, it plants a tree on behalf of the buyer thanks to an agreement it has with American Forests and Releaf Mundial..

It occurs to me that the wooden watch can be a very original gift for a special occasion, and perfect for those tireless “green friends”.

With the help of our clients and allies, WEWOOD has planted more than 420.000 trees around the world.

WeWOOD allows you to rediscover nature in all its beauty and simplicity. Completely free of toxic and artificial materials, WEWOOD watch is natural as much as your wrist.

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