Read this post will take 1 minutos! Let's enjoy!

I have wrapped the blanket around my head and have embarked on a "tour of Europe” this holy Week. I expected LondItalia!

To begin I will spend a few days in London (very few, sólo 2) and the rest of the week in Tuscany and northern Italy. I visit (entre otras) two of my most longed-for cities that I had not yet had the opportunity to see live, the capital of uk. and the one that “emerges (or little by little it submerges) of the waters”… a trip to disperse, reflect, renew myself, rediscover and rediscover myself, get tired to rest, resurrect, comer, to pray, amar… (y cualquier otro verbo inspirador y recurrente en libros de autoayuda! )

This blog remains “and stand by” until my return, que surely you also want to rest from me for a few days, (Si tenéis mucho mono podéis seguirme en Facebook o Twitter (although I will try, surely not disconnect 100%)

I leave you with my friend Venus, with whom I will meet in Florence in the middle of the week. Next week everything will return to "normal"”– yes in this blog that exists! – so i hope to see you all here again: while everyone rests and lives!

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