


Amor y sexo ¿Qué viene antes?

CAÓTICO MANHATTAN. RUBÉN MORÍN. HTTP://CAOTICORUBEN.BLOGSPOT.COM.ES/ @BAJO_MANHATTAN Love. Ay, that feeling that makes us smile non-stop, sin motivos, sin esperar nada a cambio. Ay, el amor, ay. Ay, ese cosquilleo en el estómago y las ganas locas de ver a esa persona especial. Ay, esas ganas de pasar todo el tiempo posible con ese alguien soñado. Ay, love and its desire to fuck eat us. ¡Un momento! ¿Amor? ¿Sexo? ¿Dulzura?…

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¿Está la fidelidad pasada de moda?

CAÓTICO MANHATTAN. RUBÉN MORÍN.HTTP://CAOTICORUBEN.BLOGSPOT.COM.ES/BAJO_MANHATTAN want to talk about an issue that, en ocasiones, I feel I do not have the same importance as a few years ago or, por lo menos, que ya no tiene el mismo significado que antes. Te enamoras de alguien y deciden empezar algo juntos. ¿Qué es necesario para que una relación funcione? Supongo que lealtad, confianza y fidelidad. Las tres cosas van unidas, si una se rompe, las…

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¿Por qué lo llaman amor cuando quieren decir calentón de verano?

CAÓTICO MANHATTAN. RUBÉN MORÍN. HTTP://CAOTICORUBEN.BLOGSPOT.COM.ES/BAJO_MANHATTAN Now that we are in summer and heat does not give truce, es hora de hablar de los amores de verano. Ay, esos amores llenos de sudor, de mucha fiesta y, generalmente, llenos de magreos en la playa/piscina. Porque, ¿qué sería de estos amores sin su dosis de toqueteos pasados por agua? NA-DA. Una cosa que nunca he entendido: because it…

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El (des) amor en los tiempos de las redes sociales

CAÓTICO MANHATTAN. RUBÉN MORÍN.HTTP://AllBAJO_MANHATTAN CAOTICORUBEN.BLOGSPOT.COM.ES/, o casi todos, estamos enganchados, en mayor o menor medida, a las redes sociales: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tuenti… Tenemos infinidad donde elegir. We like social networks because we can be connected with the people we love or, simplemente, get to know each other in them in a pleasant and fun way. No sólo se basa en conversaciones, sino en estar conectados a través de fotos, vídeos, música, relatos……

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¿Cuánto tardamos en olvidar un amor?

CAÓTICO MANHATTAN. RUBÉN MORÍN.HTTP://CAOTICORUBEN.BLOGSPOT.COM.ES/BAJO_MANHATTAN few weeks ago told them about the time it took to fall in love (You can read the article by clicking here), pero, ¿cuánto tardamos en olvidar? ¿Es cierto que el tiempo todo lo cura? I once heard on "Sex and the City" it took to forget a person half the time we were with her. Bueno, decir eso en una serie está muy bien, but not me…

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Love, relationship & technology: El 60% Spaniards use your mobile to share sexual content

According to a study distributed by the computer security company McAfee the 60% of Spaniards use their mobile devices to share photos, intimate videos or messages. Love is in the air ... and many people will congratulate their partners on Valentine's Day by sending a message, a photo or postcard through your mobile devices. Por este motivo, McAfee has developed, for the second consecutive year his…

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You "pre-want"

CAÓTICO MANHATTAN. RUBÉN MORÍN. HTTP://CAOTICORUBEN.BLOGSPOT.COM.ES/ @BAJO_MANHATTAN To me, I like to talk about love, This time I want to talk about time before saying "I love you". It may seem simple; but no, It is much more complicated than the simple fact of joining two words. Let's put ourselves in the case that they know someone... Everything is going great: when they are laugh, messages are sent good morning and good night, van…

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How long do we fall in love?

CAÓTICO MANHATTAN. RUBÉN MORÍN.HTTP://CAOTICORUBEN.BLOGSPOT.COM.ES/ @BAJO_MANHATTAN We would all love to know how long it takes to fall in love, they drop in to another person, to feel those butterflies in the stomach… Bien, then at Stanford University it has undertaken an investigation, which claims that humans took only half a second to fall in love. And not just at Stanford University have conducted studies on love….

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Adoptauntio.es When girls Attack!

A new way of understanding the relationships in internet. Spain reaches a new "love of French, with a very chic but above all with humor. Here are the girls who decide who can or can not talk to them: men and women choose to propose. French conservatism and love the French have done to make way for the phenomenon AdopteUnMec.com, what has been…

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Affection, How much I love you ...

Archi-tory: Affection, how much I love you… Gifts as proof of love Paco Delgado Fernández / @Paqodf The relationship of the Dukes of Windsor was marked by different gifts as proof of love. The first of them came in the form of a universal scandal when Edward VIII abdicated the British throne in order to marry the woman he loved.. The couple met and married in France, leaving to tour Europe…

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