

Estilo Diario

Estilo Diario: Bodas, Bautizos y Comuniones

¿Arriesgas en celebraciones familiares? ¡No deberías! Tengo una filosofía: ¡No destaques en ninguna boda a no ser que sea la tuya! ¿Porqué? Because those photos will haunt you for the rest of your life.. Pongámonos en situación: Abres un blog de moda y eres el “kies” de cualquier fiesta, pones un estilismo mensual, daily or when you "take time" and become a trendsetter, trendy, it girl, it boy, etc. ¡Perfecto! Todo eso es perfecto….

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Gafas Amarillas

Now you can fully enjoy Atelier Love

The collaboration has been great and I am very happy with the result; I urge you to take a look at it too! Atelier LOVE. A project full of illusion, naturalness and good ideas, where I share a post with bloggers of incredible prestige. I have felt very covered and supported, besides being honorably surrounded by these names, some true references for me. I have been in charge of the men's fashion section, que…

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