
Easy Wear


Editorial: Call personality

Do not call to have style, not call essence, not call `je ne sais quoi', call not have a major hassle ... call it personality. Surely you know any girls in your environment that with jeans and a white shirt goes perfect, that combining impossible colors or patterns and always comes out victorious or the kid who is still impressive with the same tracksuit from high school. Don't them…

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Manuel J. Romero Herrera

Editorial: Something to look forward

The wait can be considered as a negative when you want to reach the expected time, or as something positive when we got to make it a complete and important element in itself. I do not mean waiting when someone is late but to wait for the right time to act, enjoy the journey, the process and especially choose for everything fits perfectly, that the puzzle…

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Estilo Diario

Estilo diario: París Fashion Week 2014

Here I explain a little, If there is something to explain, I took styling this edition of Paris Fashion Week February's face, you know I'm a tad tatty, that I always aim for what is comfortable and that I am somewhat lazy stylistically speaking... These three factors have been the ones that have conditioned my outfits during the days that I have spent in Paris Fashion Week. As I did not check suitcase,…

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Estilo Diario

Estilo diario: Blue Feeling

Blue is not only a color, It is also a feeling. This week we celebrated the so-called Blue Monday, that is, as sociologists, the saddest day of the year. (read more info) In English the word "blue" is used not only as a nice color, but as a feeling of unease and sadness, explored, por ejemplo, thousands and thousands of songs. In the past week, y…

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Estilo Diario

Estilo diario: The Painted Prince

You know that whole which makes you feel regal? From time to time is essential strengthening it and paint your presence. Girls who feel powers uploaded to a good heel, guys who can not leave home without your favorite deodorant, shirts that make you feel safe / or job interviews and first dates, dresses you become a princess; and no, I do not mean to cursilona, but to that feeling…

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Estilo Diario

Estilo diario: Continue on the ruins

Sometimes, although it seems that we are in ruins, We must continue and move on. Put a dot of color and forth! All had regular times, bad or even very bad ... from small "everyday nonsense" - which everyone suffers in silence - to great dramas or problems. Sea lo que sea, there is something that unites the human being and it is the inability to always be thinking positively. does not happen…

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