

Campaign, Video

Who would not like to live in Gucci 2016?

The new Gucci communication line 2016 we have love. ¿No? Since Michele has been named Alessandro direct new creative Gucci has us wrapped in a romantic atmosphere reminiscent vintage masterfully mixing times and bucólica (ranging from 60 a los 90) . And I could not be more successful this sense of magic and creativity pouring breathing Gucci 2016, con…

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Article, Moda, Video

¿Cómo se pronuncian las marcas de moda? #Comofala #HowToPronounce

La pronunciación de las marcas de moda siempre ha sido un tema difícil en países hispanohablantes. Right? Aquí te enseño unas cuantas. El tema de las pronunciación es SIEMPRE un problemón (Puntocom, como diría Josie)… que si suenas cateto diciéndolo mal, que si suenas raro diciéndolo exactamente como es, o incluso pretencioso según en qué ámbitos, And most of the time, it's just that you have no idea how to…

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No category

The best and worst dressed (y más) Oscar 2012

In general it gives the feeling that the red carpet has been a bit bland ... Is everything that glitters at the Oscars white?? Some successes and mistakes in these Oscar dresses 2012 where, una vez más, the stars insure more than they risk. Welcome to the most eclectic chronicle of Oscar dresses 2012. Here there is room for the best dresses, the worst dresses, those of…

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The orange beings of Gucci

When the first image appeared, I thought she was pretty, different and very “saleable”, si, It is true that they have a strange color, but I thought, is the light, the pool, la primavera…. Pero esta segunda foto me ha hecho caer del guindo… Si, my dears, they are orange. Karmen Pedaru , Joan Smalls and Hailey Clauson have succumbed to the Chinese self-tanning in this second snapshot. Both photos, taken by Mert & Marcus,…

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