

Article, Beverage

Prohibition, Temperance to binge. #CuttyNYC

The story of Prohibition surprising curiosities, characters and stories that even the best story could invent. "Virtue is an acquired voluntary provision, which it is a compromise between two bad ends, one by excess and the other by default » – Aristotle. It seems that no case had already Aristotle in the United States in the early twentieth century. The exacerbated puritanism and the extreme…

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Affection, How much I love you ...

Archi-tory: Affection, how much I love you… Gifts as proof of love Paco Delgado Fernández / @Paqodf The relationship of the Dukes of Windsor was marked by different gifts as proof of love. The first of them came in the form of a universal scandal when Edward VIII abdicated the British throne in order to marry the woman he loved.. The couple met and married in France, leaving to tour Europe…

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Anthropology fashion: Neanderthals and bird feathers used for ornamental purposes.

Researchers believe this species may have used the large bird feathers as decoration.. Did Neanderthals express their feelings through feathers?? Did they use them as decoration?? To differentiate “castes” social power? or simply because they are pretty and warm?? Be that as it may, they show us that there is nothing new under the sun in the world of fashion.. So when you go to Zara and see…

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