


Ir de Chining. A new way of shopping

Because shopping can also be focused. Let's go Chining! I've been with this post in my head for a long time, but the other day I was commenting on social networks with Anita Patata Frita, Joppa, El Estilario and David Secret about the markets and I love being able to show you this modality. My mother is the one who notices these things and she was the one who discovered the term chining on the street. Una…

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The models make caca. A truth as a temple

The models make caca. It is a street claim on the aesthetics and perfection of the models, que nos apartan de los cánones realistas… pero no por ello deja de ser curioso encontrárselo en plena Puerta del Sol en Madrid. Models poop in the TopShop window

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