
Kate Moss


20 bikinis blancos que hicieron historia

El bikini blanco se ha convertido en un icono cada verano gracias a mujeres como éstas. A must we love and hate the same parts but devastates every season! It is the garment that enhances summer every year, el bikini. Ya sabéis que me fascina el blanco en todas sus formas, so nothing better than combining these two concepts to create a gallery tribute to the great bikini…

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Now I teach both toto he said was not normal… Kate Moss and its double

Kate Moss is discovered to use body double in some shots of her campaigns. Between these things and Photoshop they are destroying our illusions and the aspirational roll. Creo que he visto más veces el toto de Kate Moss que el mantel de casa. They are two of those things that you have in front of you but you don't notice, by repetition. Ahora sale la noticia de que Kate Moss tiene

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When a small detail like Photoshop takes one fotaza

That must have thought Kate Moss when she saw this great photograph with her daughter in Vogue magazine. “¡Mecachis Photoshop!"and where is the fault? pensaréis. The truth is that this is an excellent edition, a magnificent light, a natural tweaks (and no copies transfigured converted into plastic), respecting the freckles, etc ... It could have been a photo 10 if it weren't for the fact that some of the fingers have been eaten…

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Our lifelong Kate Moss

It will always be hippielonga, but very chic! When they talk about Kate Moss I can't help but imagine her as she shows us in her latest campaign for Longchamp next spring summer 2011 photographed by Alasdair McLellan. Rubita, with bangs, with a natural makeup but with very marked eyes – what makes him have a look that impacts – a serious but natural face and surrounded by simple elements…

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