
Lily Donaldson


20 bikinis blancos que hicieron historia

El bikini blanco se ha convertido en un icono cada verano gracias a mujeres como éstas. A must we love and hate the same parts but devastates every season! It is the garment that enhances summer every year, el bikini. Ya sabéis que me fascina el blanco en todas sus formas, so nothing better than combining these two concepts to create a gallery tribute to the great bikini…

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Wish for an early spring

Weekends like this make me wish for a spring season, in which little by little the light changes, the temperature, the body relaxes, the heart stretches and begins to look everywhere, the gaze follows him, freshly awakened by the meat that begins to stand out through the softer and less covered outfits. Fancy a walk in the afternoon. enjoy the time…

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Bunnies Lily Donaldson

A fan club for those bunnies and! I don't know what Terry Richardson has that is capable of converting simple photos with a white background (even sometimes they seem to be drawn to evil) in real samples and allegations of identity. This shows once again that style is something more, you need to know to press the button and surround yourself with those who really have natural style….

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