
Rita Hayworth


20 bikinis blancos que hicieron historia

El bikini blanco se ha convertido en un icono cada verano gracias a mujeres como éstas. A must we love and hate the same parts but devastates every season! It is the garment that enhances summer every year, el bikini. Ya sabéis que me fascina el blanco en todas sus formas, so nothing better than combining these two concepts to create a gallery tribute to the great bikini…

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Those old posters….

JOVENCITOS CON BOTINES: LUIS G. CHACÓN.HTTP://ELMASLARGOVIAJE.WORDPRESS.COM/@LUISGCHACON Fashions, albeit ephemeral, born when we imitate those who believe more elegant. Once accepted, They consolidate and remain in effect for years before beginning its inevitable decline. It was always the powerful who set the trends and changes in the way they dress or behave but the film changed everything. The curiosity of the fair mutated into a mass phenomenon and multiplied…

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