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Participo en la exposición ¿what do i wear? Brillas Mary's wardrobe by Pedro Rodríguez.

La complejidad que comporta el acto de vestirse es mayor de lo que se percibe a primera vista. The Design Hub Barcelona makes a reflection on one's own identity through exposure ¿what do i wear?, formed by fifty chosen wardrobe items Mary Brillas, all they created by Pedro Rodriguez, gran maestro de la Costura del siglo XX.

Explains the center's exhibition honoring this designer and this figure style. Para ello, and in addition to the exhibits, a number of bloggers have been asked to explain our dilemma when choosing our outfit at an important moment.

When they contact me I felt proud and honored, and I thought about looking for an outfit that not even the royal wedding… but after, reflecting on the true entity of the exhibition I thought ¿why dress up?

that I pose wearing glasses

Esa es la reflexión primera y última del written which accompanied the image that I made available to the exhibition – with Napoleon's phrase included. If you want to see it, all you have to do is click here. (por supuesto, acompañado de mis gafas amarillas)

This image will be part of a mural that will be projected on screens in the Hall at the DHUB, in addition to its web and social networks, paralelamente a la exposición, valid until 28 de agosto. Sin duda, un honor!

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