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A full session of beauty and relaxation in DUO male hairdressers in the center of Granada

Last week I was able to enjoy a rewarding experience as a center of iconic aesthetics of Granada. Friends of DUO Peluqueros I was invited to meet their space and services and I could enjoy a massage, by cutting, Under beard, manicure and eyebrows – ¡Toma ya!-  that left me like new. In addition to facial and body treatments, This is included within the range of possibilities that a man can have in your center. Además, como novedad, DUO has just included tattoos among its offer – by appointment – with the best health guarantees

Duo peluqueros granada (2) Duo peluqueros granada (3)

Duo peluqueros granada (4) Duo peluqueros granada (5)

After seeing the installations, Javi gave me a great decontracting massage and I went to Alfonso for hair – where I dared to mark my line with a razor – and beard – who advised me to define it a little lower to sharpen the jaw. Then I tried first manicure and "cleansed eyebrows”, since it was not intended to define otherwise, but own brands and improve- Always well advised and giving priority to the aesthetics and comfort (as my clear indications), I took the best out. It was a real great pleasure and highly recommend it to men who devote time to such beware, which not only improve us out, but also encourage us inside.

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Thank you very much Jose Manuel and Guti for treating me so well

I documented my experience DUO hairdressers in a new yellow glasses Dáyari, ya sabéis, my new videoblog section where you can accompany me throughout the day ¡Espero que os guste!