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This phrase has been repeating itself in my mind for weeks. You already know that every year I try to make Yellow Glasses congratulate the holidays in an original way, fun, close or surprising. There have been years that I have executed strategies thought out well in advance and others that have been improvised ideas and that were assembled on the fly… In more than 12 years generating content, ¡you can imagine! Silly years, conscious years, reflective years, glamorous years, creative years, joker years, years recycled or, like last year, silent and pimps.

This year it's been more complicated for me. It's not that I can't think of anything, is that I feel that what is intended to communicate is not right. Thatit is not okay to keep perpetuating a fictitious image just by clicking. It is impossible, at least for me, detach the reality that surrounds us from what we transmit on social networks. I've always thought it's okay to show our kindest face, create content to evade or entertain and of course smile for the photo, but that is one thing and quite another to create a parallel reality, unreal and harmful, ignoring the social moment in which we find ourselves.

Tens, Hundreds or thousands of influencers and brands try to make us believe that nothing is wrong. That everything remains the same. That buying new outfits and doing dances in tik tok we are fine. That we keep fleeing forward to the rhythm of the brilli brilli. But we all know that this is not the case.For a couple of years life has changed forever. Y no, I am not going to talk about the pandemic, that enough turra we already have, but of the change that it has exerted both for good and for bad in society and in each and every one of us..

This year it is more difficult to create an iconic greeting, funny or curious because it is more difficult to feel it. And I speak from my empathy, porque 2021 It hasn't been a bad year for me. I am aware of my privileges as a white man, European, with work, family that loves me and mental health. And even so, I feel that this year the parties are going to be difficult.

Beyond the jokes we see on social media, they will be difficult again, like last year, for people who have recently lost family members, people who cannot meet again on these dates with whom they love most to continue taking care of us, people who have lost their jobs, or that he has returned to the same but with much more pressure and overwhelm, people who see their companies in danger, people who feel badly treated by politicians, people who feel underrepresented in society, who notices the weight of capitalism on their day to day or who cannot bear all this (mentally or physically) and they need help.

I don't want this to look like a neo-christian pamphlet, nothing is further from my intention since I value religion more as a burden than as a consolation, but as a letter (to the Corinthians, if you want to read it, también) open about the importance of reflecting on our reality and understanding where we are, what do we have, what we need and above all how we can evolve… If possible for the better.

These moments of uncertainty are, quizá, the best to set a new course.As the foundations shake, let's establish new ones, more firms and better. This is not the time to shut up and wait, but to be more vindictive, scream louder and clearer. Decide what we don't want and ask for it to change. It's okay to be submissive. It's okay to turn the other cheek. It's okay to shut up. Stop to continue day by day pretending that nothing happens, that we are perfectly… No need for spectacular Christmas greetings, but spectacular feelings ¡and share them with the world!

Because I don't care what look you wear, what matters to me is what is inside your head and your heart and how, together, we can move on. Counting on everyone. Fighting for us (and for whom we want). Enjoying for us and of course LIVING for and for our well-being. Because being well we, it is when we can help others more and better.

Os quiero. Mucho.


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