¡Reading this post will take you 1 minutos! ¡To enjoy!

The end of the year is not just for fun ¡They should also serve to reflect! That is why I want to know what you think of me.  Si, literally ¿What do you think of the blog and Yellow Glasses?

¿What do you like the most from the blog? ¿What are you least passionate about?? ¿how could i improve? ¿what do you want me to change? ¿What do you remember with enthusiasm or what would you like to forget forever?? ¡Leave me everything you think about me and about the blog and I will publish it at the end of the year 2016 in a thoughtful letter!

Y por supuesto, All responses are COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS. (And I promise not to bother me no matter what you put, everything will help me improve and grow) ¡I wait for you!

(You can leave your messages until Thursday, 29 from December)