

Consejos para el afeitado
Belleza, Moda Masculina

5 Consejos para el afeitado perfecto

Only with 5 shaving tips can move from ah! al um! and convert our shaving routine into something much more comfortable. If you are one of those who have chosen to keep a look beardless. The perfect shave, es una palabra que retumba en nuestras cabezas y con la que todos soñamos. Muchas veces con las prisas, el uso de productos no adecuados o una mala rutina, we mistreat…

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Beauty tips: Makeup mulatto or black skin

Discover the best tips to make up mulatto or black skin with my good friend Pilar Moreno Some time ago I asked my friend Pilar, a spectacular mulatto, he always protected looked perfect, write your beauty tips and makeup mulatto skin. As you know in this blog everything is possible and the more variety there is more I will be proud of your name, we mistreat…

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