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As on other occasions, I have to start by confessing one thing…: I never see the Goya Awards gala, because I don't share the politicization of the act. I think that the erudite actors and those who know the universal truth have more weapons to reply to democracy. and to the politics that an event of this type. Sincerely, they bore me. The only thing that entertains me a little, at least this year, has been read the publications of twitter al respecto, who has been quite funny especially due to the lack of assistance from Minister Wert (what a rascal, and that I did not have to pay the VAT of the entrance). Bueno, i like twitter and also see what outfit each one is wearing, un hábito que viene al pelo para este espacio

I have chosen the dresses that, by far, they have left me with my mouth open for better or for worse. Y siempre teniendo presente que yo de moda… rather little… For example that of Manuela Velasco, that I have no idea who she is but I have enough information to say she's a bit tacky. Este brass combined with albal paper…. No sé, I do not see it. And someone urgently give him a sandwich, por favor.

manuela velasco feo con ganas y delgada goya horror

Aun así, and despite everything, the Goya The most horrible dress is worn by Belén Rueda, that also makes me fat. Me parece un color feo, a terrible cut and to top it off he ages more or less two thousand two hundred years. Maybe I'm exaggerating because I don't think the lady is nice, but that's what prejudices have, that regardless of the suit, mania alters the sense of taste. you excuse.

For me, the best were Macarena García and Blanca Suárez. La primera, because it seems to me that he is wearing a simple and quite elegant suit that also suits him well. does not attract attention, but it doesn't go unnoticed. The edge of the lace and the waist marked with a diamond belt give it un toque de color bastante armónico que aporta cierto estilismo to the figure in addition to being very diplomatic. A real hit.

macarena garcía goya elegante blanca suárez goya 10

respect to Blanca Suárez, un 10. a daring dress, elegante and somewhat striking. Very appropriate for the night for transparency, but at the same time discreet and polite, perfect for the occasion. The necklace of colored crystals that matches the bracelet and the bottom of the suit seem spectacular to me..

The question is what Wert would have worn for the act if he had gone. ¿More of Suárez's style, de Rueda or de Velasco? Too bad I can't criticize a little more.

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