¡Reading this post will take you 8 minutos! ¡To enjoy!

This week's blog The Lord of the Gafas Yellow has fulfilled 8 años. Today, yo, Manuel J. Romero, I take off the mask to reflect with you on everything I've felt and learned during this time. ¡Qué bien viene a veces pararse a pensar (both the good and the bad)!

Blogs have died, ¡larga vida a los blogs!

When the blog was born he did vocation to discover, inform and entertain. we were 4 gatos digitales deseando dar nuestro punto de vista sobre la moda y mostrar nuestro estilo. without further ado. Por supuesto que, when manufacturers realized "our power", It was the first thing I wanted to be present at events, sponsored post or special actions. ¡Democratizamos la información y la opinión sobre moda y estilo! (with all the good and bad that entails). El tema de los “celebritiesblogueros”, homogenizing profiles, buying followers, the contents uncritically, – In summary: El postureollegaría después.

La era de los blogs “personalesha pasado, digital profiles now focus on social networks and microcontent (o macro, if we see some videos). ¡La vida es así! Independent blogs work at a different pace than some years ago. You can search your stats and you'll see them eclipsed when compared with the data in rr.ss. any pretty face that combines Zara clothing (or leave home without it).

But if something I learned at this time is we have to do what we love. the blogs may have died because the market is evolving, we all do, but I'm still comfortable in this space that has evolved and where I can express myself with more than 4 hashtag.

Success is like ass, Each one has his own.

Success and failure is just what you want it to be. It's been a long road to discover that everything is relative and depends on where you put the focus. Cuando comento que soy bloggery todo este caminohay gente se sorprende para bien, while others think the opposite. It is very sad when, after so many years of work I have failed people who call me no more than 100 likes a photo Instagram. ¡Menudos pringados! What it is hateful people who give their opinions without asking, ¿true?

No es oro todo lo que reluce

Even doing what you like and what most sets you free, There are bad days or moments. En todo este tiempofightinghay cosas que dan rabia: Items not work well, growth stagnates wantonly, People who passes you the right to hit book, agencias que dejan de contar contigo porque no tienes los Ks necesariosLike any job, ser “blogueroes un camino de rosas con algunas espinas (phrase is not sponsored by Mr Wonderful, I promise).

Frustration is inherent in human beings. We have to learn, EVERYONE, to live with it. So if something creates tension, ¡pasa de eso! Like the other day said Jessica Hunter Elegance referring to Instagram, ¿qué más te da? ¡Deja de seguir lo que no te haga feliz!

True care is not bought with money (or doing things that you like).

I told a friend, literal, que [for him] “Rostropovich was the best cellist played before whether 50.000 and people applauded; as when he played in her living room and listened only a neighbor. ¡Porque el secreto está en disfrutar tocando, else should be always circumstantial!”

I admit that sometimes I obsessed with growing, los likes, las visitasQuiero que sepáis que lo he intentado. Mucho. De verdad. Less buying followers I have done almost anything to "adapt". I have done videos with a superhuman effort, I had a poor representative who could not get me anything in months, I went to parties that did not appeal to me just to try to make contact, I tried to be funny, el sexy, the fool or the ready; but I've reached a point in my life where you do not want to "make me anything", ¡sino SER!

Repeat ad nauseam that I have always been myself, and even so, a thousand times I've lost along the way tried like. In my case the improvised nonsense, more natural, more real, It was getting the best results. ¿No era suficiente señal? But you know, We do not see the beam itself.

La vida sin “mojarsees más aburrida.

It all started with a character, con la facilidad de poder ponerse o quitarse la caretaen este caso las gafas -, pero poco a poco evolucionó a ser más “yo mismoque “yo mismo”. Through yellow glasses he was able to enjoy and to fight for things that Manuel even imagined. Ahora, años después, it's late, Mrs, Now nobody can remove him from me. Rather we are no longer holy and trill, we are one fact (Quite) meat. ¡Y quiero ser visible! ¡Nada de máscaras!

I thought, good and bad, I refused to various actions, I struggled to visualize the causes with which I agree. And I am proud of all. Estos 8 años me han demostrado que vivir sin “mojarsees inútil, ¡y muchísimo más aburrido! Always be perfect and political correctness does not represent me. I'll be real, not perfect (sí, I'm also freaking out using these hackneyed phrases of cheap philosophy Facebook).

The word influencer is ugly.

Already said Melissa Hindell, ¡Si a mí lo que me gusta pintar son flores! ¡Yo siempre he querido ser bloguero! ¡No quiero entrar en el catalogo de influencers sin tener en cuenta mi pasado! De hecho creo que mi poder de “influenciaes bastante limitado. I know I'm good at communicating, I know I have no opinion, judgment and character but I do not think being "a mass leader". This requires that two things: First believe you are and secondly: ¡masas!

Ahora, After realizing what I have and what I need, I wonder ¿para qué quiero más influencia si dejo de ser yo mismo? ¿Por qué justificar mi valía con un simple número? QUE-LE-DEN.

¡Que me quiten lo bailao!

In these 8 years has also been (many) good things. I have met wonderful people, me he expresadoy seguiré haciéndolocomo me ha dado la gana, I've been to events, desfiles, travel, parties that have made me very happy, I've gotten a bonus and gifts. But the most important, I have taken many prejudices and complexes about my physical and my personality. I cried, I laughed, I carcajeado, I have danced, I have sung (salt ill) ¡y seguiré haciéndolo! and now ¡que me quiten lo bailao!

My blog and every day more people.

I've also noticed that I'm accompanied him and how people who want me helped me to continue my dream (although sometimes they not quite believe it). From help with a silly photo to become columnist blog. (sí, There was a time that this blog hosted great friends to discuss and reflect on various topics).

See how my parents have grappled between pride and shame to see my life exposed through this medium and always support my decisions; feel that my friends have been there with every paranoia that had the blog, stops because "the picture was there", aceptar comer la food un poco más fría con tal de que echara una foto antesSome are great sacrifices, other nonsense, but all have shown me that this blog is not only mine, but many people who believed in me.

Y por supuesto, you all / as you're there reading, because you have not let me scream vacuum. If all this effort has served to entertain yourself even a little, ¡ha merecido la pena!

As I am slightly bipolar, There are days I'm super lively and willing to give everything for the Lord of the Yellow Glasses and others that would send him to hell. But no matter if it's once a day, once a week or once a month. Lo tengo claro: ¡Quiero seguir escribiendo! ¡Y quiero que sigáis acompañándome en este camino que además de descubrirnos cosas de moda y Lifestyle me está descubriendo muchas cosas de mí mismo!