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"I like your hair” It is the second most used compliment in Spain when it comes to flirting. ¡It is not a joke!

instituto pelo barcelona 2

He gets in touch with me the agreeable Elena Hair Institute Vila-Rovira Barcelona ( by email entitled: “Manuel, We love your hair”… As you can imagine it was an absolute crush. Chatting, we agreed that I would get a text with interesting content for all, to know a little better both our hair, as Barcelona Clinic. Here I transfer the laughs. ¡Don't lose them, I'm sure it surprises them!.


Did you know

  1. We fall around 100 hairs a day. ¡Now you go and count them!
  2. "I like your hair” It is the second most used compliment in Spain when it comes to flirting. ¡It is not a joke!
  3. Your hair speaks for you: You tell us what you're not eating, what you're slacking, what things you take :)
  4. One type of hair does not fall out or which is more resistant to falling and is usually in the neck. That is the hair that gets transplanted to other areas of the scalp.
  5. Although it is common to see bald men, the psychological impact remains strong.
  6. Thou shalt not automedicarte with what you recommend friends or forums.
  7. What to shave the hair makes it grow stronger a mitazo. We always cut our hair in the dead zone of the hair. The hair does not have to know that the nervous system has been cut and that tells the brain: hey, amigo, It is growing faster and stronger.
  8. Hair may grow in areas scarred with advanced hair transplantation techniques.
  9. There beard transplants, eyebrows and ¡pubis! ¿why would I want a hair transplant on my beard and sideburns? Think of many men with scars on the face they would like to hide. Además ¡the beard is a symbol! If you would not have, but at least have the freedom to choose…those who have alopecia in the beard ¡they can not!
  10. The Anasagasti look uncool. Balder is as you're leaving, cut your hair more because long will leave even more apparent density loss.
  11. Being bald is approximately one 20% the paternal line, y un 80% breast. So look
  12. Whatever they say, the women if given a choice- prefer men with hair as all research on the subject. Not everyone is Bruce Willis.

instituto pelo barcelona

About the Institute Hair Clinic Vila-Rovira Barcelona

We do everything to regain hair again :). But we are really good in fall protection treatments and hair transplantation FUSS with the traditional technique and the advanced technique FUE, where the scar is 0.

Why are we different

  1. Because we work in search of imperfect perfection, es decir, We seek to restore people's hair look without "Ken doll hair". The best we tell our patients: that his life has changed completely, but people are not able to know that the hair is transplanted hair. Always we seek naturalness.
  2. Because we do not sell magic potions. We take capillary science very seriously and in which much is being investigated.
  3. Because we are the referral clinic in Spain in the techniques and FUE hair transplant FUSS.
  4. Because we make innovative treatments like PRP therapy and do it with satisfactory results.
  5. Because we can realizarte an analysis with a single hair and tell you how you are minerals and why your hair may be falling more than usual…We can know ¡until 3 months of your history with one hair!
  6. Because we are led by the famous and renowned surgeon Dr. Ramón Vila-Rovira, and that for us is a guarantee of passion for surgery, professionalism and guarantees.
  7. Because the patient will always consulted with doctors, never commercial.
  8. Because we are specialized in hair surgery and dermatology. The specialty of plastic surgery and dermatology are too general: you have to specialize.
  9. For a job well done speaks for itself, the web clinical del pelo Vila-Rovira Institute of Hair, It is one of the few sites with a portfolio of clinical cases of hair transplantation with photos unmodified Before and after.
  10. We are unique in offering a pre-diagnosis (without commitment by doctors themselves) expedite the subsequent consultation through the hair test that can be sent via Web.
  11. Our motivation, we reflect on the character that each member of our team: have a philosophy close, open and friendly. Our priority is to create a unique experience for the person consulting us, and that usually go with anxiety and worry and can cope without barriers or taboos a problem that can be solved.
  12. That is why we think reflect that motivation into two blogs: one for solving common medical concerns and questions about the health of hair and in particular on hair loss. Blog writing own doctors: Another blog that distinguishes us from any other clinic: one magazine on the hair for the general public on key information, humor, interviews, curiosities. Este magazine tiene un facebook donde tenemos un muso al que los fans decidieron llamar “Felipe Lacos” :)

What we want

Very ecléchico

, ok, but do not forget to take all your hair. We want you to look after your hair and you think it's just another part of your body and suffers problems…There is a saying "overshadows every hair on the floor", It means that all however small it may be useful and important. And if needed or simply want to enjoy optimal health and prevent problems, because they tell us. And be there reading, you can enjoy a special discount: un 20% discount on any of our exclusive treatments fall arrest: Injections, Vasijet or innovative treatment with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) (You can see what deal

To enjoy this discount, you must enter this code when an appointment: ECLECHIC2013