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In a period like the present, brands tend to radicalize their proposals. ¡let's be extreme!

¿Maturalism? strange word… sí, It is a recent concept created from the union of the words materialism and maturity (in English), and although this broad concept brings together different cultural movements and sub-trends, refers in general to the search for transgression as an ineffable method of capturing the attention of an audience that day by day becomes immune to commercial messages. It's not about being over the top, unpleasant, rude or impolite, but to form the machine of social limits to position itself in the mind of the consumer. As you can see, I got a very matural post title.

This topic, discussed extensively in the September briefing of the international trend page TrendWatching is one of the social guidelines that are currently increasing. How this dossier defines, This is due to several social factors that are reflected in the business world, as the need for constant challenge, the search for transparency and clarity in a global and competitive market where brands have to become almost values ​​in themselves in order to reach emotions.
To all this is added, as we said above, the immunity that the indiscriminate use of advertising has produced in society, that he is able to "dodge” almost unconsciously the advertising methods, Although it is true that many theorists affirm that this relaxation in the face of advertising makes it easier for eta to enter our subconscious.

Sea como fuere, brands want to offer something impressive, transgresor, new, they want to be the "Lady Gaga of the market".

It may not be useful for all markets or all areas of activity, but the search for differentiation through transgression is configured as an increasingly used bet in the business world. TrendWatching pone algunos ejemplos de marcas o productos creados con este fin pero nosotros nos vamos a centrar en los referentes a los de moda y estilo.
In a world where everything changes every 6 meses, or less if we take into account the cruise collections or the products of fashion brands that are out of season (colonies, etc…) innovation and transgression is a constant factor, For this reason, finding things that stand out in this area is very complicated..
The trends dossier puts as an example of Maturalism the designs of Nicole Locher, cuyas camisetas con frases como ““I Aint Your Fucking Sweetheart”, “Little Slut”, “Don’t You Fucking Look At Me” but with a marked childish and even corny style they try to get involved with the desire for "sweet transgression” of its carrier.
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Examples that the observatory marks is the advertising campaign of Air New Zealand where to show clarity they did not hesitate to undress their team and dress them only with body paint or cards Julianna Holowkas where you are congratulated with phrases such as "You did the ridiculous of the other night… Call me if you want the details” o » Sé que no reciclas … Heed this warning”. Above we can see a sample of your greeting for Mother's Day.
Incluso Lady Gaga and her Telephone video has a place in the report that highlights the exorbitant abuse of product placement, that is, the placement of brands and products to be seen throughout the video. Whether or not exorbitant, the truth is that the video has had more than 32 million visits, and keep going up, so whoever decided to place their brand there has certainly not been wrong.
Another sample this summer has been the Levis ID line, who has created three different types of pants for three different types of asses, and that clearly exposes it… because not all butts are created equal.
It is clear that transgression is always present in the world of fashion, Or else they tell the G shaved in the crotch of that Gucci ad or the perfume bottles that cover the same area in some of Marc Jacobs, among many other examples… all without talking about censored campaigns, criticized or vilified by sexists, homophobas, racist, etc.
Let's say that although transgression is always in fashion, en este 2010, is more and more present and in a more mature way.

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